Browsing Briefs, Summaries, Policies and Strategies by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 642
International Strategy for Action in the Field of Environmental Education and Training for the 1990s
(1988)The document is in two parts: Part one seeks to highlight certain needs and priorities in respect to the development of environmental education and training as they emerge from the action taken in this field since the ... -
Network for Industrial Environmental Management (NIEM) Phase I Final Report - Executive Summary
(1989)A Network for Industrial Environmental Management (NIEM) was established comprising of research institutions, laboratories, government agencies, and pulp and paper mills located in seven countries of the Asia and the Pacific ... -
GRID Data Distribution Policy - GRID Information Series No. 17
(1990)This GRID Data Release Policy statement describes the types of data which have been collected, the archive and the guidelines for release of the data. -
The Strategy for the Development of the Caribbean Environment Programme - CEP Technical Report 05
(1990)The strategy for the development of the Caribbean Environment Programme responds to the request of the Fourth Intergovernmental and First Contracting Parties Meeting convened in Guadeloupe in October 1987. It has been ... -
Cuidar la Tierra: Estrategia para el Futuro de la Vida - Resumen
(1991)La presente Estrategia está dirigida a todos, pero sus principales destinatarios son los que se encargarán de decidir cuáLes son las medidas esenciales que debemos tomar a partir de ahora. Nos dirijimos a los jefes de ... -
GRID Data Distribution Policy – GRID Information Series No. 17, Rev.1
(1991)This GRID Data Release Policy statement describes the types of data which have been collected, the archive and the guidelines for release of the data. -
A Suggested National Soils Policy - Executive Summary
(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 1994)The soils policy suggested in this document is meant to be illustrative rather than exhaustive in character, and by no means a substitute for local experience, foresight or prudence. The Suggested National Soils Policy is ... -
Climate Change 1995: The Science of Climate Change - Summary for Policymakers and Technical Summary of the Working Group I Report
(1995)This document comprises both the Summary for Policymakers and the Technical Summary of the Working Group I (WGI) report. It represents, in conjunction with the 11 chapters of the underlying WGI report from which this ... -
Climate Change 1995 : Impacts, Adaptations and Mitigation. Contribution of Working Group II to the Second Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - Summary for Policymakers
(1995)This Summary for Policymakers provides an overview of the Working Group's full report. It reviews the developments in our scientific understanding since the first IPCC assessments of impacts and response options in 1990, ... -
Rules of Procedure of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment
(1997-01)Rules of procedure -
Constitution of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN)
(1997-11)Constitution -
UNEP Strategy for Environmental Education and Training: A Strategy and Action Planning for the Decade 2005 - 2014
(United Nations Environment Programme, 2005)This Strategy presents the required strategic elements and the associated actions necessary for UNEP to play its role in meeting the goals of the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD). It further paves the ... -
Ecosystems and Human Well-being : Our Human Planet - Summary for Decision-makers
(2005)The assessment focuses on the linkages between ecosystems and human well-being and, in particular, on "ecosystem services." An ecosystem is a dynamic complex of plant, animal, and microorganism communities and the nonliving ... -
Africa Environment Outlook 2: Our Environment, Our Wealth - Executive Summary
(2006)The dawn of the 21st century stands out as the beginning of a renaissance for Africa – politically, economically and environmentally. The formation of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, NEPAD, marked a turning ... -
Regional Seas Strategic Directions for 2004-2007 - A Global Initiative to strengthen Regional Seas Conventions and Action plans and enhance co-operation
(2007)This document sets out the Strategic Directions for the Regional Seas Programme, as agreed by the representatives of Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans Secretariats, at their 5th Global Meeting in Nairobi, Kenya ... -
Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis; Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - Summary for Policymakers
(Cambridge University Press, 2007)The Working Group I contribution to the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report describes progress in understanding of the human and natural drivers of climate change, observed climate change, climate processes and attribution, and ... -
UNEP Publishing Policy - Second Edition
(2007)The purpose of this document is to define and promulgate the basic principles governing publishing at UNEP and the procedures to be followed. -
Global Outlook for Ice and Snow: Highlights
(United Nations Environment Programme, 2007)Ice and snow are important components of the Earth’s climate system and are particularly sensitive to global warming. Over the last few decades the amount of ice and snow, especially in the Northern Hemisphere, has decreased ... -
Marine Spatial Planning: a Step-by-Step Approach Toward Ecosystem-based Management
(2009)Briefs, Summaries, Policies and Strategies Descriptions: This step-by-step approach toward ecosystem-based management is a guide to practitioners and managers on how to set up and apply MSP. The guide explains why MSP ... -
From conflicto a la consolidación de la paz: La función de los recursos naturales y el medio ambiente
(United Nations Environment Programme, 2009)This report, which inaugurates a new policy series by UNEP on the environmental dimensions of disasters and conflicts, aims to summarize the current academic knowledge and field experience on the linkages between environment, ...