Browsing Briefs, Summaries, Policies and Strategies by Topic "Finance and Economic Transformations"
Now showing items 1-20 of 101
2020 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction: Towards a Zero-emissions, Efficient and Resilient Buildings and Construction Sector - Executive Summary
(2020)This year’s Buildings Global Status Report provides an update on the drivers of CO2 emissions and energy demand globally since 2018, along with examples of policies, technologies, and investments that support low-carbon ... -
30 Foresight Briefs: Early Warning, Emerging Issues and Futures - Special Edition 2017-2022
(2023-01)Foresight is a powerful tool for leveraging Humanity´s ability to think about and build the Future. It provides a way to think about possible, alternative and desired futures. By doing so, it enables individuals, organisations ... -
Accelerating Sustainability through Digital Transformation: Use Cases and Innovations - Supplement Number 1 to the CODES Action Plan for a Sustainable Planet in the Digital Age
(2022-06)This Supplement Number 1 to the CODES Action Plan for a Sustainable Planet in the Digital Age reflects the outcomes of a collective intelligence process across the CODES community to identify use cases and innovations that ... -
Action Plan for a Sustainable Planet in the Digital Age
(2022-06)Digitalization has enormous potential to support progress towards sustainability however we need to move the focus away from the pursuit of short-term, unsustainable gains towards the achievement of long-term values-driven ... -
Africa Environment Outlook 2: Our Environment, Our Wealth - Executive Summary
(2006)The dawn of the 21st century stands out as the beginning of a renaissance for Africa – politically, economically and environmentally. The formation of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, NEPAD, marked a turning ... -
Aligning Colombia’s Financial System with Sustainable Development: Current Practice and Future Potential to Mobilize Investment for the Green Economy [Executive Summary]
(2015)This document has been commissioned by the IFC and the UNEP Inquiry to explore the state of green finance in Colombia within the wider economic and financial sector context, and at the same time, to identify challenges and ... -
Annexes - Global Cooling Watch 2023 - Keeping it Chill: How to Meet Cooling Demands while Cutting Emissions
(2024-03)This document contains the following annexes: Annex 1 Technologies primer; Annex 2 Modelling future scenarios for cooling; Annex 3 Global installed capacity of cooling equipment; Annex 4 Variables used to estimate annual ... -
Antigua and Barbuda: Sustainable Public Procurement Action Plan
(2021)To date, there have been no substantive initiatives undertaken by the Government of Antigua and Barbuda to implement SPP. There is a low level of awareness of SPP with the public sector and, as a result, no stimuli have ... -
Are We Building Back Better? Evidence from 2020 and Pathways to Inclusive Green Recovery Spending - Summary for Policymakers
(2021)This report presents early data outputs from the Observatory to understand COVID-19 fiscal spending priorities in 2020 and which environmentally and economically desirable policies are facing underinvestment. It explores ... -
ASEAN RE-Gender Roadmap: Roadmap on Accelerating ASEAN Renewable Energy Development through Gender-Responsive Energy Policy
(2022-08)The role of the energy-gender nexus in the acceleration of renewable energy deployment in ASEAN remains underexplored. Current gender disparities severely impede the enhancement of women's roles and opportunities in the ... -
Becoming #GenerationRestoration: Ecosystem Restoration for People, Nature and Climate - Key Messages
(2021)1. Countries need to deliver on their existing commitments to restore 1 billion hectares of degraded land and make similar commitments for marine and coastal areas. 2. Unfortunately, we are still going in the wrong direction. ... -
Blending Water Management and Climate Change Adaptation Approaches
(2022-11)Blending Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) is one key vehicle to facilitate taking real action to reduce climate impacts on water and avoid the worst of potential consequences ... -
Building Resilient Societies after the COVID-19 Pandemic: Key Messages from the International Resource Panel
(2020)The world is experiencing an unprecedented moment in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. For us at the International Resource Panel (IRP) it is also a moment to reflect. This document provides policy recommendations extracted ... -
Circular Economy in Cities
(2024-10)In cities, a circular economy model implies a systemic shift. Services, such as water, waste or energy, are provided making efficient use of natural resources as primary materials and optimizing their reuse. Economic ... -
Clean Energy in China - Clean Air Policy Brief 2019
(2019)The objective of this policy brief is to give an overview of the energy transition of China to attain a cleaner energy future. In general, the brief includes a discussion on the successes in this effort along with the ... -
Cuidar la Tierra: Estrategia para el Futuro de la Vida - Resumen
(1991)La presente Estrategia está dirigida a todos, pero sus principales destinatarios son los que se encargarán de decidir cuáLes son las medidas esenciales que debemos tomar a partir de ahora. Nos dirijimos a los jefes de ... -
Economic Analysis of Local Government Investment in Rural Roads in Nepal - Summary
(2011)The overall objective of this study is to inform policy-makers of the costs and benefits of alternative road construction approaches, including social and environmental concerns, and propose specific recommendations on ... -
Emissions Gap Report 2012 – Executive Summary
(2012)One of the fundamental questions in the global climate negotiations is: what level of “ambition”, in terms of collective emission reductions, is needed to protect global climate? To help answer this question UNEP and the ... -
Emissions Gap Report 2020 - Executive Summary
(2020)As in previous years, this report assesses the gap between estimated future global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions if countries implement their climate mitigation pledges and the global emission levels from least-cost ...