Browsing Factsheets, Infographics and Brochures by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 1705
Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife to the Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region
(1990-01)The Final Act of the Conference of Plenipotentiaries Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife in the Wider Caribbean Region -
UNEP Statement of Commitment by Financial Institutions (FI) on Sustainable Development
(1992)We members of the Financial Services Sector recognize that economic development needs to be compatible with human welfare and a healthy environment. To ignore this is to risk increasing social, environmental and financial ... -
International Ozone Day 1999: Save Our Sky: Be Ozone Friendly
(1999)Activities for International Ozone Day 1999 -
UNEP Depleted Uranium Awareness
(2003-09)Depleted uranium (DU) is a dense metal used in munitions for its penetrating ability and as a protective material in armoured vehicles. It is a toxic and radioactive heavy metal. This flyer on Depleted Uranium Awareness ... -
Illegal Trade and International Chemicals Management The Way Forward by Building Bridges
(2004)The purpose of the workshop was to strengthen co-operation among the National Focal Points and other stakeholders (environmental inspectors and customs offcers) involved in the process of implementation and enforcement of ... -
Towards Full Compliance with the Montreal Protocol: A Tool-Kit of Policy Instruments for National Ozone Units
(2005)A series of factsheets developed by the Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP) team located in UNEP's Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP) to address developing countries' priority questions related to compliance ... -
Mercury containing products: Use-impact-alternative in Bangladesh
(2005)Sweden - Swedish experience using mercury-free blood pressure measurement equipment (7/05) -
Tightening the Noose: The growing threat of Marine Litter
(2006)Marine litter is more than an environmental problem, to be addressed by action plans and legislation. It is also a cultural problem, and must be addressed by efforts to change attitudes, behaviours, and management approaches. ... -
Audit Questionnaire Mercury: Health 6, 2nd Edition, March 2006
(2006)The purpose of this document is to produce a self-assessment guideline to evaluate the health risk management performance of a Chlor-Alkali plant with regard to mercury. This paper can be also used for external audits. It ... -
Marine and Coastal Protected Areas
(United Nations Environment Programme, 2006-03)Marine and coastal protected areas (MCPAs) are now universally recognized as key tools for the conservation and management of marine species, habitats and ecosystems. The need is clear: coastal development and ... -
UNEP Regional Seas Programme Linked with Large Marine Ecosystems Assessment and Management
(United Nations Environment Programme, 2006-06)A new partnership has been developed that links the coast and oceans activities of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The joint ... -
What Can We Do about Marine Litter
(2007) -
Chlor-Alkali Partnership – Data 2006
(2007)World Chlorine Council Report to UNEP on Chlor-Alkali Partership-Data 2006 -
Guidelines for the preparation for permanent storage of metallic mercury above ground or in underground mines
(2007)Guidelines for the preparation for permanent storage of metallic mercury above ground or in underground mines -
WCC - Chlor-Alkali Industry Total Mercury Emissions (air + water + products) for USA/Canada, Europe, India and Brazil/Argentina (plus 1 Uruguayan and 3 Russian Plants from 2005 Onwards)
(2007)Country Initiatives on chlor alkali technology changeover: Sao Paolo, Brazil -
2006-2007 UNEP/ UNESCO / AAU / UNU/GVU Mainstreaming Environment and Sustainability into African Universities Partnership AWARDS for Education for Sustainable Development Innovations Programmes in African Universities
(2007)The MESA Universities Partnership aims to enhance the quality and policy relevance of university education in Africa through the implementation of environment and sustainability as an underlying topic in diverse curricula ... -
Análisis del Marco Legal para la Incorporación de Compras Públicas Sustentables
(2008)Entendemos por compras sustentables al proceso mediante el cual las organizaciones satisfacen sus necesidades de bienes, servicios, obras y utilidades públicas de tal forma que alcanzan un alto rendimiento basado en un ... -
OzonAction Education Pack for Secondary Schools
(2008)The Student's book is an integral part of the OzonAction Education Pack for Secondary Schools. It concentrates on the same issues as the Teacher's Book: ozone layer depletion, protection and the health risks of strong ... -
Inventario nacional de emisiones de mercurio y productos que contienen mercurio - addendum
(2008)mercury release inventory -