Browsing Manuals, Guides and Toolkits by Language "French"
Now showing items 1-20 of 85
The 2023 International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies - #TogetherForCleanAir: A Practical Guide for Individuals, Cities, Governments, Schools & Universities, Businesses, Civil Society
(2023-07)On September 7, 2023, the world will celebrate the third International Day of Clean Air for blue skies calling for global action to combat air pollution, one of the greatest health and environmental challenges of our time. ... -
[2023 World Ozone Day Letter to National Ozone Officers]
(2023-08)Letter to National Ozone Officers concerning activities in commemoration of World Ozone Day on 16 September 2023. -
ALivE: Adaptation, Livelihoods and Ecosystems Planning Tool: User Manual Version 1.0
(2018)ALivE is a computer-based tool designed to support its users in organising and analysing information to plan effective EbA options within a broader EbA planning process. ALivE stands for Adaptation, Livelihoods and Ecosystems. ... -
Antimicrobial resistance toolkit for youth engagement
(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2024-12)The aim of this practical toolkit is to equip youth-led networks and youth-serving organizations with resources to engage young people in AMR communication, education and campaigns for awareness-raising, advocacy and ... -
ASGM National Level Sector Scoping: Literature Review Record and Notes - Annex A2
(2017)Literature review record and notes -
ASGM Region: Goldu: Location Information; Key Variable Statistics for ASGM Sites in Godu; Baseline Estimates for the Region
(2021)Location Information; Key Variable Statistics for ASGM Sites in Godu; Baseline Estimates for the Region -
[ASGM Site: Placerton]
(2017)This document contains the following worksheets: ASGM Conversion Tool: Informal Units to ISO Units; Location Information; Information from Nearby Mining Communities; Gold Trader Interviews; Observations; Interviews with ... -
Beat Plastic Pollution Practical Guide - World Environment Day 2023
(2023-05)Plastic pollution is preventable. Taking action across all sectors of society can halt and reverse it. This guide provides some tips on how we can all be part of the global movement to #BeatPlasticPollution. -
Capitalisation de Bonnes Pratiques du Projet: Promouvoir la Résilience Climatique de la Riziculture à travers des Investissements Pilotes dans la Région d’Alaotra Mangoro, Madagascar
(2019)Deux thematiques sont abordees dans ce document: i) Gérer un projet de développement au sein des ministères publics : Éléments essentiels à retenir et se préparer pour les futurs managers à la suite de l’expérience d’AFRICE, ... -
Climate Change: Children's Views of a Global Environmental Threat - Exhibition Catalogue: 16th International Children's Painting Competition on the Environment 2006/2007
(2007)How do children view the consequences of climate change? The message that emerged from their paintings is loud and clear: children view climate change as a threat to our planet and one that human beings must confront head ... -
Developing a National Action Plan to Reduce and, Where Feasible, Eliminate Mercury Use in Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining - Guidance Document
(2017)This document represents an expansion of this original guidance document and is intended to reflect the language of the Convention and other advances in understanding of the ASGM sector. It is intended to provide guidance ... -
Directives Techniques pour le Modèle Intégré de Riziculture Résiliente au Changement Climatique ‘MIRR’ pour les Régions de L’alaotra, de L’itasy et du Moyen-Ouest du Vakinankaratra
(2019)Le concept général du MIRR repose sur une agriculture productive dans des conditions de contraintes climatiques liées à l’imprévisibilité de la variabilité climatique et à la fréquence des évènements climatiques ... -
Economy-Wide Material Flow Accounting: Step-by-Step Guide to the Compiler
(2024-02)This guide was prepared to assist countries to use the Compiler for economy-wide material flow accounts (EW-MFA) to compile data that can be used to monitor progress in attaining the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, ... -
Engaging Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Miners in the National Action Plan Development: Minimata Convention Consultation Guide
(2017-05)This document is intended to assist government officials responsible for developing and implementing their National Action Plan (NAP) to reduce, and where feasible eliminate, mercury use in artisanal and small-scale gold ... -
Estimating Mercury Use and Documenting Practices in Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) - Methods and Tools Version 1.0
(2017)The ASGM baseline guidebook and toolkit enable the reader to: 1. Create a comprehensive national overview of ASGM practices; 2. Design a baseline research plan that aligns with allotted resources; 3.,Collect relevant data ... -
Evaluation environnementale stratégique intégrée en Cote d'Ivoire: Guide Pratique - Cas d'étude San Pedro
(2017)Ce rapport présente les résultats de la mise en œuvre de l’Évaluation Environnementale Stratégique Intégrée (EESI) en Côte d’Ivoire, mené conjointement par le Programme des Nations Unies pour l’Environnement (ONU Environnement) ... -
Financing the Climate Co-Benefits of the HCFC Phase-out: A Guide for Low Volume Consuming Countries
(2014)This document provides guidance for Ozone Officers in low volume HCFC consuming countries (LVCs) to help them understand how to seek financing outside of the Montreal Protocol’s Multilateral Fund to achieve the climate ... -
Global Environment Outlook Review Editing Analytical Database (GEO-READ) - Frequently Asked Questions
(2024-10)The Review Editing Analytical Database of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO-READ) is the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) digital portal for managing the review of GEO reports. The system provides different ... -
The Global Framework on Chemicals Fund Application Guidelines: First Round of Applications - Call for Applications Opens: 1 October 2024 - Application Deadline: 31 January 2025
(2024-09)This application guideline aims to support applicants in preparing their application for the Global Framework on Chemicals Fund. It is designed to provide information on all sections of the application document as well as ...