Browsing Manuals, Guides and Toolkits by Language "Russian"
Now showing items 1-20 of 42
The 2023 International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies - #TogetherForCleanAir: A Practical Guide for Individuals, Cities, Governments, Schools & Universities, Businesses, Civil Society
(2023-07)On September 7, 2023, the world will celebrate the third International Day of Clean Air for blue skies calling for global action to combat air pollution, one of the greatest health and environmental challenges of our time. ... -
[2023 World Ozone Day Letter to National Ozone Officers]
(2023-08)Letter to National Ozone Officers concerning activities in commemoration of World Ozone Day on 16 September 2023. -
ALivE: Adaptation, Livelihoods and Ecosystems Planning Tool: User Manual Version 1.0
(2018)ALivE is a computer-based tool designed to support its users in organising and analysing information to plan effective EbA options within a broader EbA planning process. ALivE stands for Adaptation, Livelihoods and Ecosystems. ... -
Beat Plastic Pollution Practical Guide - World Environment Day 2023
(2023-05)Plastic pollution is preventable. Taking action across all sectors of society can halt and reverse it. This guide provides some tips on how we can all be part of the global movement to #BeatPlasticPollution. -
Developing a National Action Plan to Reduce and, Where Feasible, Eliminate Mercury Use in Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining - Guidance Document
(2017)This document represents an expansion of this original guidance document and is intended to reflect the language of the Convention and other advances in understanding of the ASGM sector. It is intended to provide guidance ... -
Empowering Regional Action: How ECA Network Countries Used Legislative & Policy Options / RAC Sector Action Tables as an Effective Tool to Foster Dialogue and Share Insights to Support Kigali Amendment Implementation
(2024-12)The Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol requires parties to reduce hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) consumption. To support the countries’ efforts, UNEP OzonAction has developed tools to assist countries in implementing ... -
Establishing an HCFC Import Quota System
(2012)Parties to the Montreal Protocol are obliged to follow the HCFC phase-out schedules agreed upon in 2007 (Decision XIX/6). Furthermore, developing countries seeking any further assistance from the Multilateral Fund for the ... -
Global Environment Outlook Review Editing Analytical Database (GEO-READ) - Frequently Asked Questions
(2024-10)The Review Editing Analytical Database of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO-READ) is the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) digital portal for managing the review of GEO reports. The system provides different ... -
Good Servicing Practices: Phasing out HCFCs in the Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Servicing Sector
(2015)The purpose of this guide is to help National Ozone Units (NOUs) in Article 5 countries in their efforts to train refrigeration servicing technicians in good practices so they can contribute to HCFC phase-out. Not only ... -
Guidance on the scope of the Special Programme Eighth round of applications - Call for Applications opens: 24 April 2024 - Application Deadline: 23 August 2024
(2024-04)This guidance aims to assist applicants in understanding the scope of the Special Programme and the proposed projects to support institutional strengthening at the national level for implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam, ... -
Guidance on the Scope of the Special Programme: Seventh Round of Applications - Call for Applications opens: 6 April 2023 Application Deadline: 11 August 2023
(2023-03)The objective of the Special Programme is to support country-driven institutional strengthening at the national level, in the context of an integrated approach to address the financing of the sound management of chemicals ... -
Guidelines on Compliance with and Enforcement of Multilateral Environmental Agreements
(2001)United Nations Environment Programme guidelines on compliance with and enforcement of MEAs -
International Standards in Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning: An Introduction to their Role in the Context of the HCFC Phase-out in Developing Countries
(2015)This guide is intended to provide an introduction to standards and how they can be useful in supporting the adoption of alternatives in the context of the HCFC phase-out in developing countries. It also includes an overview ... -
Minamata Convention on Mercury - Text and Annexes
(2019)The objective of the Convention is to protect human health and the environment from anthropogenic emissions and releases of mercury and mercury compounds and it sets out a range of measures to meet that objective. These ... -
Model Law and Guidance for Regulating Lead Paint
(United Nations Environment Programme, 2017)The purpose of this guidance is to assist countries to enact new laws (or to modify their existing laws) to establish a single regulatory limit on the total lead content in paints. The guidance describes the key elements ... -
National Inventory of Mercury Releases in [Country] [Template]
(2013-04)UN Environment's Toolkit for identification and quantification of mercury releases, hereafter referred as the Toolkit, is intended to assist countries to identify and quantify the sources of mercury releases.Inventory Level ... -
#OnlyOneEarth: A Practical Guide to Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature Developed for World Environment Day 2022
(2022-05)Climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste –evidence that Earth is “code red” is all around us and growing more ominous every day. At the same time, billions of people are short of income, food, ...