Browsing Manuals, Guides and Toolkits by Topic "Environment under review"
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
African Environment Outlook 3 - Authors' Guide
(2011)The purpose of these guidelines is to serve as a reference point for all players involved in the AEO-3 production process. The main aim is to ensure consistency in the quality of contributions to the report; avoid problems ... -
Capacity Building for Integrated Environmental Assessment and Reporting :Training Manual Second Edition
(2000)This training manual and the accompanying training program have been prepared to meet the needs of partners for improved guidance and training during the production of GEO and other associated integrated assessment reports. ... -
Global Partnership on Marine Litter: Logo Style Guide 2015
(2015)Ownership of the logo remains with the Global Partnership on Marine Litter (GPML). It can be used without permission in its entirety and without amendment by members of the partnership to promote the GPML and other ... -
Guidelines for Conducting Integrated Environmental Assessments [2017]
(2017)United Nations Environment Programme is pleased to provide new Guidelines for Conducting Integrated Environmental Assessments. With the leadership of the Assessment Methodologies, Data and Information Group under the Global ... -
Guidelines for Environmental Assessment of Development Projects
(1982)The purpose of the Test Model is to make available to the policy and decision makers environmental information in a form they can readily use. It facilitates development decisions that are conducive to making resources ... -
Guidelines for Interoperability of the WESR CCA with Regional Knowledge and Data Hubs and other Platforms
(2021)This document contains Guidelines for Interoperability of the electronic platform of the World Environment Situation Room – Common Country Analysis (WESR CCA) with other electronic platforms, namely the UN Regional Economic ... -
Miljöordlista: Glossary of Environmental Terms
(1972)Terms relating to human environment have been subjected to treatment by the Swedish Centre of Technical Terminology, TNC, in several recent publications. -
Network for Industrial Environmental Management (NIEM) Phase I Final Report Volume 2 - Annexes 1-6 Manuals and Guidelines
(1989)This manual was prepared as part of the Phase I programme of the Network f or Industrial Environmental Management (NIEM). The manual presents in detail the methodology and procedures to be used in conducting discharge ... -
Orientaciones para la evaluacion del impacto ambiental en los paises en desarrollo - lnformes y Estudios del Programa de Mares Regionales del PNUMA No. 85
(1987)Una de las premisas b.isicas para un desarrollo sostenible es el reconocimiento de que el medio ambiente y el desarrollo no se excluyen mutuamente antes bien son complementarios e interdependientes y, a la larga, se refuerzan ... -
UNEP Guidance on Citations, Referencing and Style
(2020)These guidelines are intended to reinforce the science base and credibility of the UNEP publications and reports through proper citation and attribution, as well as achieve coherence and standardization in the style of ... -
UNEP's Environmental and Social Sustainability: Stakeholder Response Mechanism
(2020)These operating procedures establish the process and guidelines for the operation of the United Nations Environment Programme's (UNEP's) Stakeholder Response Mechanism through an Independent Office for Stakeholder ...