Manuals, Guides and Toolkits: Recent submissions
Now showing items 161-180 of 690
Special Programme Application Guidelines: Seventh Round of Applications - Call for Applications opens: 6 April 2023 Application Deadline: 11 August 2023
(2023-03)This document sets out project development tools and considerations that may assist applicants in the conceptualisation of their project prior to fill in the application forms. -
Integrated Toolkit to Improve the Transmission of Information under articles 7 and 15 of the Stockholm Convention [Santa Lucia]
(2023-03)This report presents the findings of an assessment that was conducted on the existing data management systems and procedures applied for compiling national data and information for Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). The ... -
Toolkit for Identification and Quantification of Mercury Releases [Level 3 Calculation Spreadsheet]
(2023-02)This spreadsheet facilitates the calculation of Level 3 mercury inventories. It includes: -
Toolkit for Identification and Quantification of Mercury Releases - Guideline for Inventory Level 3: Supplementing the Reference Report and Guideline for Inventory Level 2 Version 1 February 2023
(2023-02)This guideline describes how to work in the associated Toolkit Inventory Level 3 spreadsheet for calculation of estimates of mercury inputs, flows and emissions/releases and should be read along with the spreadsheet. -
Iraq: Environmental Management Guidelines for Debris Recycling Sites
(2020-06)Debris recycling is a key phase of the rehabilitation and reconstruction works in conflict-affected areas in Iraq, with significant environmental benefits including: 1. Debris recycling leads to reduced quantities requiring ... -
Plastics Toolbox of Good Practices and Cross-cutting Guidance on a Human Rights-based Approach to Plastic Pollution Prevention and Management with a Focus on Capacity Building of Governments and Businesses in South-East Asia: Business, Human Rights, and the Environment
(2022-09)Plastic pollution contributes to violations of many internationally recognized human rights including the rights to life, the highest attainable standard of health, a healthy environment, housing, water and sanitation, and ... -
Toolkit 4: The EPR System, Civil Society, and General Public - Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Law Toolkits for the Philippines
(2022-11)This toolkit aims to communicate the EPR law and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR). WWF developed four toolkits, each catering to a specific stakeholder—i.e., policymakers, businesses, civil society organizations, ... -
Toolkit 3: The EPR System and Waste Management Sector - Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Law Toolkits for the Philippines
(2022-11)This toolkit aims to communicate the EPR law and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR). WWF developed four toolkits, each catering to a specific stakeholder - i.e. policymakers, businesses, civil society organizations, ... -
Toolkit 2: The EPR System and Business Sector - Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Law Toolkits for the Philippines
(2022-11)This toolkit aims to communicate the EPR law and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR). WWF developed four toolkits, each catering to a specific stakeholder—i.e., policymakers, businesses, civil society organizations, ... -
Toolkit 1: The EPR System and Policy Landscape - Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Law Toolkits for the Philippines
(2022-11)This toolkit aims to communicate the EPR law and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR). WWF developed four toolkits, each catering to a specific stakeholder—i.e., policymakers, businesses, civil society organizations, ... -
A Guide to the Famous Trees of Gigiri
(2012)Nairobi has been home to UNEP since 1973 and the organisation moved to Gigiri - the site of a former coffee farm - in 1975. Over the intervening years, these beautifully landscaped gardens and nature sites have also become ... -
Gender Responsive Programs: From Inclusion to Transformation - Guidance on how to Mainstream Gender in e-waste and Plastic Waste
(2022-12)The aim of this manual is to help guide programmatic interventions in e-waste and plastic waste management on effectively incorporating gender. It provides simple step-by-step guidance on designing, implementing and ... -
Eco—i Manual: Electronics Supplement
(2022-12)The aim of this supplement is to provide electronics sector-specific information and guidance to service providers supporting electronics companies on how to manage eco-innovation opportunities in the electronics sector. ... -
Practical Guidance for NHRIs on Addressing Human Rights and Climate Change
(2022-11)This Practical Guidance aims at offering something to the widest possible range of national human rights institutions. It is premised on the recognition that while consistency with the Paris Principles12 is their common ... -
Laboratory Safety and Environmental Management
(2022-11)This lecture explains safety and environmental management in the laboratory, which is not directly related to survey analysis. These items are basic but important for workers’ safety and reducing environmental impacts., ... -
Quality Management
(2022-11)This lecture explains the quality management of analytical data by referring to the definitions provided by the International Organization for Standardization, ISO. -
Mercury Monitoring and the Minamata Convention
(2022-11)This lecture explains the legally-binding provisions of the Minamata Convention on Mercury particularly the Articles that are relevant to mercury monitoring in multiple media. -
Methylmercury Analysis
(2022-11)This lecture explains the analysis of methylmercury. There are several methods for analysing methylmercury. The method found in the Mercury Analysis Manual in Japan is described. -
Human Biological Sample Analysis
(2022-11)This lecture explains the analysis of hair, blood, and urine, which are the media related to human health. The analysis of these media is particularly useful for the risk assessment of vulnerable populations such as children ...