Manuals, Guides and Toolkits: Recent submissions
Now showing items 221-240 of 690
Capitalisation de Bonnes Pratiques du Projet: Promouvoir la Résilience Climatique de la Riziculture à travers des Investissements Pilotes dans la Région d’Alaotra Mangoro, Madagascar
(2019)Deux thematiques sont abordees dans ce document: i) Gérer un projet de développement au sein des ministères publics : Éléments essentiels à retenir et se préparer pour les futurs managers à la suite de l’expérience d’AFRICE, ... -
Directives Techniques pour le Modèle Intégré de Riziculture Résiliente au Changement Climatique ‘MIRR’ pour les Régions de L’alaotra, de L’itasy et du Moyen-Ouest du Vakinankaratra
(2019)Le concept général du MIRR repose sur une agriculture productive dans des conditions de contraintes climatiques liées à l’imprévisibilité de la variabilité climatique et à la fréquence des évènements climatiques ... -
Plastics Toolbox: Business, Human Rights, and the Environment (August/November 2021)
(2021-11)This toolbox1 explores resources which integrate (or give context to) an environmental human rights-based approach to the problem of plastic pollution prevention and management. -
Environmental Rights for Journalists: A Guidebook on Best Practices
(2022-03)This guidebook presents background, information and examples of good practices, related to the work of environmental defenders, collected during listening activities, knowledge sharing and interviews. Since it was launched ... -
Compendium of WHO and other UN Guidance on Health and Environment
(World Health Organization, 2021)This compendium provides a systematic compilation of published guidance from WHO and other UN organizations on all major areas of health and the environment. This guidance also includes information about ways to raise ... -
Exploring Natural Capital Opportunities, Risks and Exposure: A Practical Guide for Financial Institutions
(2018)Financial institutions wishing to understand and assess their exposure to natural capital risks have faced a lack of comprehensive and systematic information on how businesses depend on the environment and the consequences ... -
Indicator Methodology for SDG 17.7.1
(2022-02)The purpose of this proposal is to develop a methodology for tracking such funding. The Expert Group set up by UNEP has suggested a two-pronged approach: Level 1. Use globally available data to create a proxy of funding ... -
Methodology for SDG-indicator 17.14.1: Mechanisms in Place to Enhance Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development
(2022-02)This methodology attempts to capture various aspects of policy coherence, including: between different levels of government (local to national and vice versa); across key government ministries, departments and agencies and ... -
Regional Guidance on Harmonized National Marine Litter Monitoring Programmes: Monitoring Efforts and Recommendations for National Marine Litter Monitoring Programmes
(2022-02)This document was developed as part of the SEA circular project – Reducing marine litter by addressing the management of the plastic value chain in South-East Asia implemented by the United Nations Environment Programme ... -
Annex I. COBSEA Regional Monitoring Inventory Sheet 1 - for Regional Guidance on Harmonized National Monitoring Programmes
(2022-02)Annex I. COBSEA Regional Monitoring Inventory Sheet 1. for Regional Guidance on Harmonized National Monitoring Programmes -
SDG Indicator 12.7.1 - SPP Index Excel Questionnaire Guidelines: Version 6 - July 2022
(2022-02)The present Instructions are meant to facilitate and guide you through the data provision for the reporting on Sustainable Development Goal 12.7.1. indicator on Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP), officially designated ... -
Guidelines for Mainstreaming Gender Perspectives into UNEP Publications
(2021)This document touches on aspects such as selection of authors and reviewers and use of experts, language, Pictures/images, data collection, context and reviewers. -
Climate Change Mitigation in the ELP: Guidance and Tool Protocols - Measuring the Climate Change Mitigation Potential of the Endangered Landscape Programme
(2021)This document sets out the ethos, tools, and methods used to provide a greenhouse gas (GHG) balance estimate for restoration projects within the Endangered Landscapes Programme. The document is intended to provide guidance ... -
Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Government Decision-Making: A Practical Context Analysis Guide to Improve Understanding and Strategy for the Political Challenge of Integrating Biodiversity Information
(2022-01)Development that causes biodiversity degradation, and is ignorant of biodiversity’s benefits, is unsustainable. Decades of bad development decisions have created a ‘nature emergency’. There are growing demands for biodiversity ... -
Legal Guidance on Sea-based sources in Marine Litter in the Seas of East Asia: Regional Gap Analysis and Assessment 2021
(2021-12)This report is to provide legal guidance to COBSEA-member countries on tackling sea-based sources of marine liter. The main objective is to conduct a gap analysis and assessment of sea-based sources of marine litter related ... -
Legal and Policy Guidance on Addressing Marine Litter in Cambodia: Gap Analysis and Needs Assessment
(2021-12)This report was prepared by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Coordinating Body for the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA) Secretariat to provide legal guidance to COBSEA member countries requesting assistance ... -
Stockholm+50: A Healthy Planet for the Prosperity of All - Our Responsibility, Our Opportunity: Guidance Note for Stakeholder Consultation
(2022-01)Pursuant to UN General Assembly Resolution 75/326 (“Modalities Resolution”), “all relevant stakeholders, including women, youth, older persons, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and local communities, to ... -
Publicity Toolkit: Announcing the Funding of a New Project on Chemicals and Wastes Management
(2022-01)The Special Programme, also known as the Chemicals and Waste Management Programme, provides support to developing countries and countries with economies in transition to enhance their sustainable institutional capacity to ... -
Greening Economies in the Eastern Neighborhood (EaP-GREEN) Project: Procurement Guidelines (Draft)
(2015)This guide aims to provide an analysis of the national framework, procedures of public acquisitions and best practices regarding to the possibility for public institutions to consider environmental aspects in public ...