Manuals, Guides and Toolkits: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 689
Worked Examples – Non-Metallic Minerals
(2022-06) -
Worked Examples – Fossil Fuels
(2022-09) -
Workbook - Biomass
(2022-07) -
The Use of Natural Resources in the Economy - A Global Manual on Economy Wide Material Flow Accounting
(2024-03)Material flow accounts provide a statistical framework measuring natural resource extraction, trade in natural resources, waste disposal and emissions. Domestic material consumption and material footprint, including by ... -
UNEP Monitoring and Reporting Framework [Coming Soon]
(2024-03)UNEP has built a coherent approach to results-based management, which has been established and refined over the years. However, in recent years, significant changes have been defined through the successive Medium-term ... -
UNEP Monitoring and Reporting Policy [Coming Soon]
(2024-03)This document promulgates the revised UNEP Policy on Monitoring and Reporting. It supersedes the UNEP policy on programme monitoring approved on 10 March 2010. This policy underlines the Organization’s commitment to reinforce ... -
Multilateral Environmental Agreements Negotiator’s Handbook: -Third Edition
(University of the Eastern Finland _ Center for Climate Change, 2024-02)The third edition of the MEA Negotiators Handbook is a joint publication by the Center for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law (CCEEL) at the UEF Law School and UNEP. Multilateral Environmental Agreement (MEA) ... -
Proven Practice Guide to Improve Waste Management and Address Plastic Pollution in Southeast Asia
(2023-01)Description: The purpose of this guide is to share “proven practices”—good practices with demonstrated effectiveness—that facilitate achievement of improved waste collection, waste management, and reduction of plastic ... -
SDG Indicator 12.5.1: National Recycling Rate, Tons of Material Recycled - Step-by-Step Guide
(2024-02)This step-by-step guide is based on UNEP Global Chemicals and Waste Indicator Review Document (2021) and the UNSD Metadata for 12.5.1. -
SDG Indicator 12.4.2: Hazardous Waste Generation - Step-by-Step Guide
(2024-02)This step-by-step guide is based on UNEP Global Chemicals and Waste Indicator Review Document (2021) and the UNSD Metadata for 12.4.2. -
Economy-Wide Material Flow Accounting: Step-by-Step Guide to the Compiler
(2024-02)This guide was prepared to assist countries to use the Compiler for economy-wide material flow accounts (EW-MFA) to compile data that can be used to monitor progress in attaining the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, ... -
Interprétation des Données - Cours à Rythme Libre sur l’interprétation des Données des Polluants Organiques Persistants Sous la Convention
(2023-12)Welcome to the self-paced course on data handling and interpretation for the monitoring of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) under the Stockholm Convention. The content of this course is provided by UNEP with support ... -
China Spatial Planning National Resource Document
(2012-11)China’s national resource report on spatial planning in coastal areas, with a focus on preventing/reducing the impacts of emergency issues, including natural disasters, climate change and sea-level-rise, considers issues ... -
Cambodia Spatial Planning National Resource Document
(2013-03)Cambodia’s national resource report on spatial planning in coastal areas, with a focus on preventing/reducing the impacts of emergency issues, including natural disasters, climate change and sea-level-rise, considers issues ... -
Philippines Training Syllabus on Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning
(2013-05)The Philippines training syllabus on spatial planning in coastal areas details the regional training activities and capacity building associated with mitigating emergency issues, including climate change and sea-level-rise. ... -
Indonesia Spatial Planning National Resource Document
(2011)Indonesia’s national resource report on spatial planning in coastal areas, with a focus on preventing/reducing the impacts of emergency issues, including natural disasters, climate change and sea-level-rise, considers ... -
Indonesia National Training Manual on Spatial Planning in the Coastal and Marine Area
(2012-09)Indonesia training syllabus on spatial planning in coastal areas details the regional training activities and capacity building associated with mitigating emergency issues, including climate change and sea-level-rise. The ... -
Syllabus of Training and Capacity Building for Coastal Spatial Planning in Cambodia
(2012-08)Cambodia’s training syllabus on spatial planning in coastal areas details the regional training activities and capacity building associated with mitigating emergency issues, including climate change and sea-level-rise. The ... -
China National Training Manual Capacity Building for Coastal Spatial Planning
(2012-08)China training syllabus on spatial planning in coastal areas details the regional training activities and capacity building associated with mitigating emergency issues, including climate change and sea-level-rise. The ... -
Viet Nam Training Syllabus on Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning
(2013-01)The Viet Nam training syllabus on spatial planning in coastal areas details the regional training activities and capacity building associated with mitigating emergency issues, including natural disasters, climate change ...