Now showing items 21-40 of 118

    • EaP GREEN country updates series: Moldova 

      Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      The EaP GREEN programme responds to commitments made by countroes, the European Union and international partners in several international forums: the Warsaw Eastern Partnership Summit, the Seventh Environment for Europe ...
    • Entrepreneurial Environment Study: National Report Belgium 

      European Union
      This report is part of the comparative studies carried out in the eight countries represented in the project. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the business environment for women entrepreneurs in the following European ...
    • Environment and Climate Change Outlook 

      Ministry of Land and Environment Protection, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
      The Democratic People’s Republic (DPR) of Korea Environment and Climate Change Outlook Report (ECCO) is an important product of this process, which UNEP has supported through technical assistance. This report includes a ...
    • Environment in Serbia: an indicator – based review 

      Serbian Environmental Protection Agency
      Reliable information on impacts of the socio-economic growth on environment, ecosystems and, consequently, on public health is essential for framing and implementing sound and effective environmental policy measures and ...
    • Environment Switzerland 

      Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) and the Federal Statistical Office (FSO), Switzerland (Federal Office for the Environment, Switzerland, 2011)
      The report “Environment Switzerland 2011”, which was compiled jointly by the Federal Offi ce for the Environment (foen ) and the Federal Statistical Offi ce (fso ), provides an overview of the current state of the environment ...
    • Environment Switzerland 

      Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), Switzerland (Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), Switzerland, 2013)
      The report “Environment Switzerland 2013” provides an overview of the current state of the environment in our country. It assesses the measures implemented by the federal authorities to improve the quality of the environment ...
    • Environmental Action Strategy for Sustainable Development in Italy 

      Ministry for the Environment and Territory, Italy (Ministry for the Environment and Territory, Italy, 2002)
      The growth rate of the world population shows an increasing trend although the pace is slowing down, while in some countries, such as Italy, it has come to a standstill.
    • Environmental Strategy for the years 2014-2023 

      Republic of Moldova
      The Republic of Moldova created this strategic framework in the field of environmental protection in order to ensure the implementation of the provisions of the Programme of Activity of the Government of the Republic of ...
    • Estado Ambientale de Goiás - GEO Goiás 

      Brazil, Ministerio do Meio Ambiente
      O presente documento busca apresentar o rebatimento, no território do Estado de Goiás, dos impactos resultantes de sua ocupação e utilização em atividades antrópicas, e dos efeitos gerados a partir de políticas públicas e ...
    • Estado del Medio Ambiente en Chile: GEO Chile 

      Universidad de Chile
      Assessment of the environment and natural resources in Chile undertaken by the University of Chile. This report analyses key environmental fields as well as the pressures and policies related to them.
    • Estonia Environmental Performance Reviews 

      United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), 2001)
      Since this is a second review, it follows a different approach from other environmental performance review projects. The focus is placed on three themes: a broad overview of developments since the first review, an assessment ...
    • Evaluacion del Medio Ambiente Cubano - GEO Cuba 

      Márquez, Argelia Fernández; de los Reyes, Roberto Pérez
      La Evaluación del medio ambiente cubano GEO Cuba 2007 es el resultado de un proceso de consultas con organismos e instituciones gubernamentales y no gubernamentales del país. La obra en sus seis capítulos recoge las ...
    • Fighting Environmental Crime in Spain: A Country Report 

      European Union
      In recent decades, as a consequence of the rising awareness of the damage caused by economic development to the environment, the Spanish legislator has resorted to using criminal law to protect the environment, first, ...
    • Final Environmental Report of the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Hungary-Croatia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme 

      Unknown author
      This document summarizes the conclusions concerning the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of the Hungary–Croatia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme. The aim of the SEA was to improve quality and consistency of ...
    • Fourth National Report of the Netherlands to the Convention on Biological Diversity 

      Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, the Netherlands
      The Netherlands is among the most densely populated countries. In addition, the majority of its terrestrial area is covered by highly productive agricultural lands and pristine ecosystems are currently virtually absent in ...
    • GEO Brasil 2002 

      IBAMA Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambientee dos Recursos Naturais Renovveis
      This report of the GEO Brazil Water Resources presents a set of essential information and recommendation for public policy formulation and implementation. It aims to promote sustainable access and conservation of water ...
    • GEO Costa Rica - Costa Rica Environment Outlook 

      Costa Rica, Ministerio del Ambiente y Energía; United Nations Environment Programme
      Produced by the Costa Rican Ministry of the Environment and Energy and the University of Costa Rica, this report presents the results of two major analysis: the assessments of state of the environment and of the police ...
    • GEO El Salvador (2002) 

      El Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (MARN)
      This is the Second National Report of the State of the Environment of El Salvador, corresponding al period 2001-2002. In this report an assembly of indicators and environmental variables is discussed while applying integrally ...
    • Global Drinking Water Quality Index Development and Sensitivity Analysis Report 

      United Nations Environment Programme, GEMS/Water (2007)
      This document outlines an approach taken to develop a global water quality index, as well as preliminary sensitivity analysis and validation of the index against real water quality data. Limitations to the index are ...
    • Green Growth Indicators 

      Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      A first set of green growth indicators was proposed in Towards Green Growth: Monitoring Progress in 2011. This report updates and extends those indicators. It charts the progress that countries have made in four areas: the ...