Browsing Reports, Books and Booklets by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 4458
Conferenza ONU Sull' Ambiente Umano Stoccolma 1972
(1972)La presente pubblicazione, che raccoglie i testi piu significativi del dossier ONU in materia di difesa ambientate. -
The Stockholm Declaration on the Human Environment
(1973)The Conference on the Human Environment, held at Stockholm from June 5 to 16, 1972, was in many respects the most successful inter-national conference held in recent years. In a two-week period it adopted not only a basic ... -
La mise au Point et l'application de la lutte integree contre les ravageurs agricoles: Un Programme Mondial conjoint FAO/PNUE - Rapport d'une Session ad hoc du Groupe FAO d'Experts de la Lutte Integree contre les ravageurs
(1974)La session a été consacrée surtout a l'elaboration d'un Programme mondial conjoint pour la mise au point at l'application des techniques de lutte intégree contre les ravageurs agricoles. -
Interim Report to UNEP on Studies of Intercropping on Farming Systems 1975
(1975)The objective of the IITA Farming Systems Program is to replace existing food crop production systems by more efficient systems that attain good yields of improved crop varieties on a sustained basis through:- developing ... -
Conservation Review of Tropical Rain Forests, General Considerations and Asia
(1975)The principal objectives of this review, are: To prepare a description of the range of variation of tropical rain forest with maps showing the distribution of the various types; to relate this description to the distribution ... -
Asian Regional Workshop on Environmental Training of Practising Civil Engineers: Final Report
(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1975)Report of the workshop held at the faculty of engineering, university of malaya, kuala lumpur, 12-23 may 1975. -
Detection and Control of Forest fires for the Protection of the Human Environment: Proposals for a Global Programme
(1975)This report describes the adverse effects of forest fires on the human environment; identifies three areas of the world which are highly susceptible to fires (Mediterranean, Central American, and African Savanna regions); ... -
Consulta de Expertos Sobre el Proyecto Conjunto Coordinado Relativo a Ia Contaminacion en el Mediterraneo: Informe Resumido de Ia Reunion Celebrada
(1975)La consulta estaba encargada de preparar los documentos operacionales de dos proyactos experimentales: estudios basicos y vigilancia del aceite y los hidrocarburos del petroleo en eguas marinas y problemas del transporte ... -
The Ecological Management of Arid and Semi-Arid Rangelands in Africa and the Near and Middle East (EMASAR): Formulation of an International Cooperative Programme - Report of an International Conference held in Rome
(1975)In May 1974 an expert consultation was held in Rome, sponsored jointly by FAO and UNEP, to advise on the formulation of an international programme on the ecological management of arid and semi-arid rangelands in Africa and ... -
Pilot Study on Conservation of Animal Genetic Resources
(1975)For the moment, the problem of the conservation of domestic breeds in danger of extinction, as well as animal genetic resources in general, can only be tackled empirically because we do not have enough basic knowledge. The ... -
Aluminum Industry and the Environment: Seminar Papers and Documents
(United Nations Environment Programme, 1975)From the first session of the UNEP Governing Council, held in June 1973, the importance of environmental issues associated with industrial development was recognized and a programme of activities on environmental problems ... -
The State of the Environment 1975
(1975)During 1974, United Nations Conferences were held on several issues which have been the subject of increasing concern by the world community in recent years: Population, Food, the Law of the Sea. Part I of this report takes ... -
The Methodology of Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources: Report on a Pilot Study on the Methodology of Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources
(1975)The purpose of the report is to formulate guidelines to the methodology of conservation of forest genetic resources, as a basis for long-term action on conservation within a global programme. It consists of an introductory ... -
Rapport d'une Mission de Consultant sur la Conservation des Ressources Genetiques Forestieres dans Certains Pays D'Afrique
(1976)Cette mission avait pour objet de mettre partiellement en oeuvre le projet FAO/PNUE sur la conservation des ressources gentiques forestires, dans le cadre du Proramme mondial pour une utilisation amelioree des ressources ... -
Environmental Education: A Sourcebook (For General Education)
(1976)This sourcebook is not intended to be a school book for a new subject added to other school educational subjects, but to be available to curricula designers, school-book authors, teachers and trainers, in all schools within ... -
The State of the Environment 1976
(1976)The report is based upon the viewpoints expressed in discussions with various members of the scientific communities on emerging environmental problems of wide international significance keeping in view the decisions of the ... -
Suggestions for the Development of a Hazard Evaluation Procedure for Potentially Toxic Chemicals - MARC Report Number 3
(1976)This document presents initial thinking on the development of a methodology designed to identify those chemicals being released into the environment which are likely to cause undue perturbations in essential biological processes. -
Vanadium in the Environment - MARC Report Number 2
(1976)The purpose of this paper is to review the published literature on vanadium insofar as it relates to environmental problems. A summary is given of vanadium concentrations in soil, water, air, fossil fuels and biological ... -
Report of the Second lOC/WMO Workshop on Marine Pollution (Petroleum) Monitoring - Workshop Report No.10
(1976)Convening of a Second Workshop on Marine Pollution (petroleum) Monitoring was recommended by the fourth joint session of the IOC Working Committee for IGOOS and the WHO Executive Committee Panel on Meteorological Aspects ... -
Report on Land Use in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
(1976)This report is required to evaluate tie impact of deforestation on the general environment of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and to formulate guidelines for land use and conservation there. In broad outline these are the ...