Now showing items 1-10 of 10

    • 25 Years of Crisis Response 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2022-03)
      UNEP is working around the world to respond to natural disasters, industrial accidents, and human-induced crises. Since 1994, UNEP, through its Disasters and Conflicts Branch, has supported more than 50 crisis-affected ...
    • Activities Devoted to World Ozone Day in Albania - 16 September 2023 

      Vokshi, Mimoza (2023-09)
      Commemoration of World Ozone Day 2023
    • Albania Environmental Performance Reviews: Second Review 

      United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), 2012)
      This is the second EPR of Albania published by UNECE. The review takes stock of progress made by the country in the management of its environment since the country was first reviewed in 2002. It assesses the implementation ...
    • Albania National Capacity Self-Assessment for Global Environmental Management 

      Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration, Republic of Albania; GEF/United Nations Development Programmeme (Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration, Republic of AlbaniaGEF/UNDP, 2006)
      Albania, with the support of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), has initiated a self-assessment process to lead to a better understanding of capacity development needs in the context of Albania’s priorities for ...
    • Albania’s Second National Communication to the Conference of Parties under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 

      Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration, Republic of Albania (Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration, Republic of Albania, 2009)
      The Second National Communication is the second assessment of Albania’s present situation with regard to climate change. At the same time, it serves as the basis for future action, research, improvement, offering opportunities ...
    • Balkan vital graphics 

      United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP, 2007)
      Environmental protection is one of the areas where the Balkan countries still face a big challenge to catch up with their western neighbours. After the 1990s conflicts and the breakup of Yugoslavia, six new Balkan states ...
    • Cleaner Production in the Mediterranean Region 

      United Nations Environment Programme; Agency for the Sustainable Development of the Mediterranean (Ecomed) (1995)
      The present report is a very valuable boost for the pioneering efforts in Mediterranean countries to implement cleaner production in our part of the world.
    • Mining and environment in the Western Balkans 

      United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP, 2009)
      Mining and mineral processing has played a vital part in the history and economy of the Western Balkans. Richly endowed with mineral resources such as copper, chromite, lead and zinc, it boasts some of the largest ...
    • Plan for the Reduction by 20% by 2010 of the Generation of Hazardous Wastes from Industrial Installations for the Mediterranean Region: MAP Technical Reports Series No. 145 

      United Nations Environment Programme; Regional Activity Centre for Cleaner Production; Spain (2004)
      The main goal of this Regional Plan is the reduction by 20% by 2007 of the generation of hazardous waste from industrial installations in the MAP countries. In order to achieve this target, the priority flows of hazardous ...
    • Solar Water Heating Techscope Market Readiness Assessment 

      United Nations Environment Programme (United Nations Environment Programme, 2014)
      This report presents a replicable and public methodology to evaluate the solar water heating policy, finance and investment, business, and quality control infrastructure across countries: the SWH TechScope Market Readiness ...