Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • UN-REDD National Joint Programme: Tanzania 

      Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, United Republic of Tanzania
      The Quick Start Initiative will strengthen Tanzania's readiness for REDD as a component of the Government's evolving REDD Strategy, and is integrated with other REDD activities in the country. Interventions are planned ...
    • UN-REDD National Programme Document: Democratic Republic of Congo 

      Unknown author (2010)
      The DRC has just elaborated its REDD Readiness Plan (R-PP), for 2010-2012, which is attached to this proposal and seeks UN-REDD's financing support. This R-PP represents the national roadmap for REDD readiness, as well as ...
    • UN-REDD National Programme Document: Ecuador 

      Ministry of Environment of Ecuador (2011)
      Since 2008, the GoE has actively participated in international REDD+ negotiations and has, concurrently, carried out activities at the national level to pave the way for the implementation of this mechanism in the country. ...