Reports, Books and Booklets: Recent submissions
Now showing items 121-140 of 4393
National Assessment of the Cost of Inaction of Tackling Air Pollution in Indonesia
(2023-06)This assessment provides a preliminary quantification of the costs of not taking further action on air pollution in Indonesia. It quantifies and compares the potential health costs that come under a scenario in which no ... -
Assessment of the Cost of Inaction of Tackling Air Pollution in Cambodia
(2023-06)Through quantifying the costs of not acting on air pollution, this assessment aims to increase the evidence base to support policymakers and decision makers in Cambodia to take further action and prioritize ambitious ... -
Accelerating the Global Adoption of Energy-efficient Transformers
(2017)This report guides policy makers on how to promote energy-efficient distribution transformers and large power transformers in their national markets. It is based on U4E’s Integrated Policy Approach, which has been used ... -
Accelerating the Global Adoption of Climate-friendly and Energy-efficient Refrigerators
(2017)In 2015, in developing countries and emerging economies, residential refrigerators accounted for approximately 10 percent of global electricity consumption in households. In those countries the number of refrigerators in ... -
Accelerating the Global Adoption of Energy-efficient Electric Motors and Motor Systems
(2017)This report guides policymakers on how to promote energy-efficient motors and motor systems in their national markets. It is based on U4E’s Integrated Policy Approach, which has been applied around the world to bring about ... -
Fishers' Perception Survey on the Causes and Effects of Derelict Gillnets in the Republic of Korea
(2022-10)Marine plastic pollution is being discussed as one of the three major global crises of climate change, nature loss, and pollution. Although the amount of marine plastic litter entering the sea is relatively smaller than ... -
Report on Assessment of the Distribution of Tidal Flats in the NOWPAP Region
(2022)While seagrass/seaweed beds are a significant habitat in water in the NOWPAP region, tidal flats and salt marshes are significant on land, both serving important, irreplaceable roles in marine biodiversity conservation. ... -
Best practices in CEM (Continuous Emissions Monitoring)
(2023-06)India has set challenging new emission limits for sources such as coal-fired power plants. For this legislation to be effective, the sector must be able to monitor emissions accurately to ensure that any preventative ... -
Second Consultation Workshop of Biodiversity-related Conventions on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (Bern II)
(2023-07)This report concerns the second of two consultation workshops set up to facilitate the engagement of other multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs), and in particular biodiversity-related conventions, in the development ... -
Implementation Of Multilateral Environmental Agreements Interactive Online Course
(2023-07)The Law Division at UNEP and School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs at Northeastern University organized a fourth Online Course on implementing Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs). The course focused on Southern ... -
Reporting Obligations that Intersect the Chemicals and Waste and Biodiversity Clusters: Options for Approaches and Tools forJoint Reporting and Action
(2023-07)The study aims to restore understanding about the connection between policies for addressing chemical pollution, the accumulation of waste and biodiversity loss and the need to continue pursuing an integrated approach ... -
Case Studies on Ecosystem-based Approaches for Resilient Livelihoods in Developing Countries
(2022)The report features 10 case studies representing distinct freshwater, mountain and dryland areas at different sites across Asia and Africa, where local communities solve challenges of environment and livelihoods through ... -
Mississippi River Plastic Pollution Initiative - Mississippi Delta Science Report
(2021)The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) North America Office, the Mississippi River Cities and Towns Initiative (MRCTI), the University of Georgia’s Debris Tracker, National Geographic Society, and other local and ... -
Action Plan Booklet - UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
(2023-05)This action plan is a living document by the UN Decade partner network to collectively work towards the goals and vision of this UN Decade. Moving from strategy to action, this plan allows all existing and new partners to ... -
Workshop report on the integrated Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic pollutants reporting tool testing
(2023-03)The purpose of the workshop was to launch the national activities to be performed for POPs data revision/collection and the integrated articles 7 and 15 electronic toolkit testing. The main objective of the workshop was ... -
Equitable, Net Zero & Nature Positive Finance: Accelerating Private Investment in Sustainable Land Use - UNEP Climate Finance Unit
(2023-05)The ways through which commodities like soy, beef, palm oil and many others are produced, processed and financed, sit at the heart of the myriad crises that humanity faces. The current business-as-usual model is a ‘race ... -
Report on the Potential Linkages of the Integrated Electronic Toolkit with the Data Management Systems available at the National Level
(2023-03)A report on how the existing data management systems, here referred to as the toolkit, and procedures applied for compiling the Kenya’s national data and information for Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) is presented. ... -
POPs data update and collection report
(2023-03)The objective of this NIP is to come develop activities and programs related to the implementation of the Stockholm Convention. It is also a pre-requisite step to Kenya meeting its obligations to the Convention as a Party. ... -
Kenya National Gap Analysis of information and Data under the Kenya National Implementation Plan and Reports under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants
(2023-04)The objective of the gaps analysis was to facilitate the development, transmission, access, and use of data contained in NIPs (NIP, Article 7) and National Reports (Article 15). The expected outcome is to strengthen the ... -
Assessing the Contribution of Plastic Credit Schemes to Reducing Plastics Pollution and Improving Recycling: Working Paper
(2022)This report is aimed at compiling existing knowledge about plastic credits in order to support the path towards a harmonised standard for plastic credits, flag up potential problems, learn from comparable credits markets ...