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dc.contributorIndustry and Economy Divisionen_US
dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programmeen_US
dc.contributor.otherPark, Won Youngen_US
dc.contributor.otherKarali, Nihanen_US
dc.contributor.otherPeng, Pengen_US
dc.contributor.otherBaik, Sun Heeen_US
dc.contributor.otherShah, Niharen_US
dc.contributor.otherHoluj, Brianen_US
dc.contributor.otherDuran, Marcoen_US
dc.descriptionRefrigerating appliances are among the most desirable but expensive appliances that small enterprises and households aspire to own once electricity becomes available and incomes rise beyond subsistence. While research indicates a large market opportunity for off-grid refrigerating appliances, observed market penetration is still very low with annual sales roughly estimated at ~12-31 thousand units, compared to about 200 million grid-connected units worldwide. One reason for this is user hesitancy due to concerns about product failure, and a lack of after-sales service and maintenance. This annex to the Model Quality and Performance Guidelines for Off-Grid Refrigerating Appliances provides additional context about the rationale and methodologies underpinning the Guidelines. The Model Quality and Performance Guidelines for Off-Grid Refrigerating Appliances provide voluntary guidance intended to inform market transformation efforts in developing and emerging economies that support the adoption of new off-grid refrigerating appliances with recommended parameters for quality assurance, energy efficiency, and use of refrigerants and foam-blowing agents with a lower global warming potential (GWP) than typical legacy refrigerants. The guidance covers refrigerating appliances commonly used in residential and light commercial applications (not including walk-in cold rooms) in off-grid locations.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofModel Quality and Performance Guidelines for Off-Grid Refrigerating Appliancesen_US
dc.subjectenergy efficiencyen_US
dc.subjectenergy consumptionen_US
dc.titleModel Quality and Performance Guidelines for Off-Grid Refrigerating Appliances - Supporting Information Annexen_US
dc.typeManuals, Guides and Toolkitsen_US
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energyen_US
wd.topicsFinance and Economic Transformationsen_US
wd.identifier.pagesnumber49 p.en_US

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