dc.description | The Prosperity Index tells us that the story of human progress goes beyond economics. It tells us that for nations to flourish they must provide opportunity and freedom to their citizens. It shows how access to quality healthcare and education provide the foundations on which nations can grow. It proves that effective and transparent government empowers citizens to take control of their lives. And it shows that protection from violence and oppression, as well as strong social bonds, are crucial to a thriving society. The 2015 Prosperity Index highlights the continued rise of many South East Asian economies-with Singapore climbing to first place in the Economy sub-index. Indonesia stands out as the top performer overall, having climbed 21 places in the global rankings in the last seven years. This has been driven by big improvements in the Economy and Entrepreneurship & Opportunity sub-indices. While many developed economies, particularly those in Europe, remain in the doldrums, there is further evidence that some countries are escaping the worst of the financial crisis. Since 2013, the UK has improved the most economically of any major EU economy. This is partly because full time employment amongst the poorest has risen from being the second lowest of any major developed economy in 2009, to the highest of any major economy in the EU | |