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dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre
dc.descriptionThe 2003 United Nations List of Protected Areas presents data on 102,102 protected areas covering 18.8 million km2. Within this total figure, there are 69,066 protected areas with lUCN Management Categories. In addition, there are 4,633 internationally designated sites. Although there has been an increase in the range of data presented in the 2003 UN List, compared to previous editions, it is clear that there has been a substantial increase in the extent of the world's terrestrial conservation estate in the past seven years. However, marine areas still make up a very small component - 1.7 million km' or 9.1% of the total area protected. This is the thirteenth edition in a series that was initiated by the United Nations more than 40 years ago. The last edition published data collected in 1997. Of the previous 12 UN Lists published, five ( 1982-1 997) have been prepared jointly by UNEP-WCMC and lUCN. As well as changes in the format and content of the 2003 UN List, the process involved to gather and review the data reflected the widening of partnership arrangements instituted in 2002 to manage the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) that underpins the UN List. This partnership includes other organisations through the WDPA Consortium, as well as agreements with intergovernmental organisations, such as the European Environment Agency and the ASEAN Regional Centre for Biodiversity Conservation. This is also the first UN List prepared since the World Conservation Monitoring Centre became part of UNEP.
dc.title2003 United Nations List of Protected Areas
dc.typeReports, Books and Bookletsen_US
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 14 - Life Below Wateren_US
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 15 - Life on Landen_US

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