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dc.contributor.authorGovernment of Samoa
dc.descriptionThe national process focuses on consultations for the purpose of stimulating discussions among all stakeholders to garner inputs and ideas for a shared vision to the future we want. The UN SG report on accelerating progress towards the MDGs and the issues for advancing the post 2015 development agenda state that the post 2015 development framework is likely to have the best development impact if it emerges from an inclusive, open and transparent process with multiple stakeholder participation In 2010, when Samoa was advised of its pending graduation out of LDC status in 2014, it then began a process of consultations with development partners as well as national stakeholders as to its approach towards a smooth transition strategy. The consultations agreed that a smooth transition strategy for Samoa take the following lines of action so that graduation will not have that adverse an impact: Ensure policy coherence in the new Strategy for the Development of Samoa (2012-2015) Address institutional capacity constraints Improve aid management within the Paris, Accra and Busan Partnerships for development Cooperation Create an enabling environment for foreign direct investment and private sector development Maintain credibility in seeking assistance through recognition of SIDS
dc.publisherGovernment of Samoa
dc.titleSamoa - National Report for Third International Conference
dc.typeReports, Books and Bookletsen_US
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 14 - Life Below Wateren_US

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