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dc.contributor.authorMinistry of Environment - Republic of Iraq
dc.descriptionIt is fitting that as Iraq issues its first comprehensive report on the biological diversity of the country, the United Nations designates 2010 as the International Year of Biodiversity. Environmental issues such as biodiversity have not played a large part in the recent public discourse in Iraq, which to a large extent has been preoccupied with security and reconstruction. That being said, environmental concerns represent a significant challenge within Iraq that are complicating the development of the country, such as: water resource management
dc.descriptiondecline in biodiversity
dc.descriptionwaste management
dc.descriptionoil development and industrial pollution and environmental impacts caused by decades of war and conflict. In 2009, Iraq signed the Convention for Biological Diversity (SCBD, 2009a) and initiated the first attempt to address the issue of biodiversity degradation that has plagued the country. This document is the first national report to be submitted to the CBD Secretariat as part of Iraq’s obligations as a Party to the Convention. It will examine and report on the status of biodiversity within Iraq and lay the groundwork for development of a national biodiversity strategy and action plan (NBSAP) to protect the diverse and vital species and ecosystems of Iraq.
dc.publisherMinistry of Environment - Republic of Iraq
dc.subjectenvironmental assessment
dc.subjectnatural resource
dc.subjectnatural resource conservation
dc.subjectsustainable development
dc.subjectland management and planning
dc.subjectland development
dc.subjectland pollution
dc.subjectland use
dc.subjectland conservation
dc.subjectmanagement of natural resources
dc.subjectcoast protection
dc.subjectcoastal area
dc.subjectcoastal ecosystem
dc.subjectcoastal environment
dc.subjectcoastal pollution
dc.subjectcoastal water
dc.subjectmarine conservation area
dc.subjectmarine ecosystem
dc.subjectmarine fauna
dc.subjectmarine pollution
dc.subjectland-based marine pollution
dc.subjectsea resource
dc.subjectsea water protection
dc.subjectenvironmental management
dc.subjectwaste analysis
dc.subjectwaste collection
dc.subjectwaste treatment
dc.subjectwaste disposal
dc.subjectwaste dumping
dc.subjectwaste legislation
dc.subjectwaste management
dc.subjectwaste prevention
dc.subjectwaste recycling
dc.subject.classificationEcosystem Management
dc.subject.classificationEnvironment Under Review
dc.titleThe 4th National Report of Iraq - Convention on Biological Diversity
dc.typeReports, Books and Booklets
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 14 - Life Below Water
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 15 - Life on Land

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