dc.description | WWF’s ambition with the Living European Rivers Initiative is to shift the current water management paradigm
in order to halt the degradation of European freshwater ecosystems and bend the curve of their biodiversity
loss trend, so they deliver benefits for nature and people. Only by valuing and protecting the last remaining
healthy rivers and wetlands, restoring the freshwater ecosystems damaged through centuries in old Europe,
and fully implementing integrated river basin management, will we be able to recover the functions of nature
that ensure it continues hosting its biodiversity and providing the services from which we benefit, and the
adaptation capacity we need in the face of climate change. Living European Rivers, thus, shall contribute to
achieving Paris, Aichi and Sustainable Development Goals.
The main tools to reach the aim of this initiative will be a strong regulatory framework, investments redirected
towards conservation and an increased awareness and engagement of European citizens towards water
ecosystems. | en_US |