The UNEP knowledge repository digitally captures, stores, indexes, and disseminates UNEP’s collective intellectual and research output including...
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The objectives of the Knowledge Repository are to:
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- Ensure the long-term preservation of UNEP intellectual and research output; and
- Support the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda by providing Member States access to relevant knowledge to influence policy at national, regional and global levels.
The UNEP Knowledge Repository provides a single point of access to more than 11,000 digital publications.
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What's New?
Concept Note - National Workshop for the Republic of Cameroon on Strengthening the Measure of Progress in Disaster Risk Reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa through the Sendai Framework Monitoring Process and Enhanced Disaster Loss Data
(2025-03)A National Workshop on Strengthening the Measure of Progress in Disaster Risk Reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa through the Sendai Framework Monitoring Process and Enhanced Disaster Loss Data will be organized in Yaoundé, ... -
Towards a Regional Assessment on Marine Litter in the East Asian Seas (Cambodia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam)
(2024-12)This assessment on marine litter status and trends allows countries in the region to address sources, causes and drivers of pollution based on robust evidence, and include recommended actions to prevent, manage, and track ... -
List of attendees - Fourth meeting of the open-ended ad hoc group on measurability and indicators
(2025-03-21)List of attendees - Fourth meeting of the open-ended ad hoc group on measurability and indicators -
Fourth meeting of the open-ended ad hoc group on measurability and indicators [Presentation]
(2025-02)Presentation for the GFC's fourth meeting of the open-ended ad hoc group on measurability and indicators -
Inventory and analysis report: Existing indicators on chemicals and waste management - Note by the secretariat
(2023-08)This document identifies an initial “long list” of 279 existing indicators that are relevant and/or meaningful to the chemicals and waste agenda. These include indicators from various indicator frameworks. A screened list ... -
How eliminating skin-lightening products containing mercury helps counter racial discrimination - International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination 2025 [Latest news from the Global Mercury Partnership - April 2025]
(2025-03)As the world observes the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on 21 March 2025, the United Nations Environment Programme, the Secretariat of the Minamata Convention and the Secretariat of the ... -
UNEP Partnership Policy
(2024-06)The purpose of the UNEP Partnership Policy (2024) is to facilitate innovative partnerships with a broad range of partners, enabling UNEP and UNEP-administered Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) to act as catalysts ... -
First meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Global Framework on Chemicals – for a planet free of harm from chemicals and waste
(2025-03)Information for participants relating to the first meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Global Framework on Chemicals – for a planet free of harm from chemicals and waste. -
Thailand National Situation Assessment 2024 - under the project titled "Accelerating implementation of dental amalgam provisions and strengthen country capacities in the environmental sound management of associated wastes under the Minamata Convention"
(2025-03)Mercury (Hg) is a toxic substance and a global pollutant that poses adverse effects to human health and environment, especially affecting vulnerable populations such as children and pregnant women. Mercury can travel long ... -
EANET Newsletter Volume 34 December 2024 - Acid Deposition and Air Quality Management from Data to Policy
(2024-12)In the second half of 2024, the EANET continued to expand its efforts against acid deposition and air pollution through monitoring, capacity-building, and outreach activities. Discussions on its next Medium-Term Plan for ... -
Provisional Agenda - Consultative Workshop and Science-Policy Dialogue on Solar Radiation Modification
(2025-03)Under the joint leadership of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Metrological Organization (WMO) a hybrid Consultative Workshop and Science Policy Dialogue on Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) ... -
Participant Logistical Note - Joint WMO-UNEP Consultative Workshop and Science-Policy Dialogue on Solar Radiation Modification (SRM)
(2025-03)The Joint WMO-UNEP Consultative Workshop and Science-Policy Dialogue on Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) will be held at the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, which is located ... -
Enabling solutions: Advancing environmental law through the UNEP Montevideo Programme
(2025-03)This presentation highlighted Enabling solutions: Advancing environmental law through the UNEP Montevideo Programme including digital tools such as LEAP and InforMEA during the Technical Workshop on Mainstreaming Multilateral ... -
Energy efficiency requirements for general purpose electric motors: Accelerating the global adoption of energy efficient electric motors
(United Nations Environment Programme, 2025-03)These Guidelines are an update of the original report published in 2017, to assist developing countries and emerging economies transform their markets to adopting energy efficient motor systems. The Guidelines provide ready ... -
Clean Air and Climate Solutions for ASEAN
(2025-03)Air pollution is a critical environmental challenge in Southeast Asia, affecting millions of lives. This report outlines a strategic approach to improving air quality while also combatting climate change in the ASEAN region. ... -
Engagement de Libreville sur l'élimination en Afrique des produits cosmétiques éclaircissants pour la peau contenant du mercure
(2025-01-22)Nous, Ministres africains en charge de la Santé et de l'Environnement, réunis à Libreville (Gabon) le 22 janvier 2025 avec d'autres Ministres et les représentants d'organisations internationales, de la société civile, du ... -
Report - Regional workshop on the elimination of mercury-containing skin lightening cosmetic products in the Africa region - Skin-lightening cosmetics, a public health concern in Africa
(2025-03)As part of the implementation of project GEF 10810 ‘Eliminating Mercury Skin Lightening Products’ implemented in Jamaica (Americas), Sri Lanka (Asia) and Gabon (Africa), the regional workshop on the elimination of ... -
Task team on the “high-level indicator on the global environmental burden attributable to chemicals and waste”
(2025-01)Presentation at the Task team on the “high-level indicator on the global environmental burden attributable to chemicals and waste” meeting of 23 January 2025