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dc.contributorEcosystems Divisionen_US
dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programmeen_US
dc.contributor.otherGrill, P. J.en_US
dc.descriptionThis handbook is meant to provide a concise yet basic resource on camel husbandry. It is designed to acquaint the field worker with a working knowledge of camels and camel husbandry in Kenya. Various publications from the Kenya Ministry of Livestock were analyzed for form and content. The Dale-Chall Reading Test was applied to this text as well as the samples from Kenya to determine the reading level. The text was designed to reflect a twelfth grade reading level and sensitivity to the local culture. A glossary is provided to assist those who speak English as a second language or those who are unfamiliar with technical terms. Further testing will be done in the field before this manual is submitted for publication in Kenya. The present form represents a compromise between academic constraints and utility for the field worker. The contents of this manual are designed to give a basic understanding in the historical importance and economic potential of Camelus dromedarious in Kenya. Various sections of this manual explore the ecosystem in which camels are found and how that ecosystem affects livestock production. It also explores the products provided by camels, and the work they can perform. Camel management is looked at from the context of health care, reproduction, and maintenance.en_US
dc.subjectlivestock industryen_US
dc.subjectnatural historyen_US
dc.titleIntroducing the Camel: Basic Camel Keeping for the Beginneren_US

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