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dc.contributorLaw Divisionen_US
dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programmeen_US
dc.descriptionIn this issue: -- UNEP’s Statement on the COVID-19 global pandemic -- 1. Kigali Amendment latest ratification 2. The UNEP OzonAction WhatGas? application has been updated and improved 3. Refrigerant Cylinder Colours: What has Changed 4. Update on new refrigerants designations and safety classifications 5. Provisional agenda of the 85th meeting of the Executive Committee 6. Arctic ozone hole closes 7. Latest options for replacing HFC-134a refrigerant in MACs 8. UNEP OzonAction Encourages Everyone to Celebrate World Refrigeration Day 2020 9. ASHRAE issues statements on relationship between COVID-19 and HVAC in buildings 10. The story of CO2 as a refrigerant 11. Renewed and emerging concerns over the production and emission of ozonedepleting substances 12. Fiji build partnership to fight climate change and protect ozone layer 13. Beijing 2022 highlight refrigeration systems among key sustainability initiatives 14. Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: Revisions to the Refrigerant Management Program's Extension to Substitutes 15. CFC/HCFC/HFC Certification Course via CARS OnDemand 16. Prepare for the trend of flammable refrigerants in commercial refrigeration - Webinar 17. Interview with Tatjana Boljević - National Ozone Officer of the National Ozone Unit in Montenegro on her experiences with the enabling activities and the ratification of the Kigali Amendment 18. Estonia Builds Training Facility for NatRefs 19. Customs seize one container containing air conditioners - Maltaen_US
dc.subjectozone layeren_US
dc.titleOzoNews Volume XX - 30 April 2020en_US
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 13 - Climate Actionen_US

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