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dc.contributorEcosystems Divisionen_US
dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programmeen_US
dc.contributor.authorCoordinating Body on the Seas of East Asiaen_US
dc.contributor.otherCHOU, Loke Mingen_US
dc.coverage.spatialAsia and the Pacificen_US
dc.descriptionThe 2009 East Asian Seas State of the Marine Environment Report (EAS SOMER) presents current information regarding the present state of and outlook for the region’s marine and coastal environment, and is intended to enhance COBSEA’s activities on information management in support of improved policy implementation towards sustainable coastal and marine development in the East Asian Seas (EAS) region. Trends were analysed based on information over a 25-year period between 1981 and 2006 with new information up to 2009 included as far as is possible, and the outlook for the region is projected up to 2012. The report has been prepared with the intention of providing the latest scientifi cally credible information in order to raise awareness amongst policy makers and the general public regarding the state and trend in the region’s marine environment through a number of facets: • Presenting the current status and projected trends for the coastal and marine environment. • Analyzing all ongoing management initiatives at national and regional levels. • Identifying emerging coastal and marine environmental issues. • Analyzing case studies (e.g. economic valuation), best practices, and effective management measures to address current and emerging coastal and marine environmental concerns.en_US
dc.subjectmarine ecosystemen_US
dc.subjectmarine environmenten_US
dc.subjectsocio-economic indicatoren_US
dc.subjectnatural resourceen_US
dc.subjectwater qualityen_US
dc.subjectmarine pollutionen_US
dc.subjectwater pollutionen_US
dc.subjectcoastal areaen_US
dc.subjectcoastal zone managementen_US
dc.subjectnatural disasteren_US
dc.subjectmarine litteren_US
dc.subjectinvasive speciesen_US
dc.subjectEast Asiaen_US
dc.titleState of the Marine Environment Report for the East Asian Seas 2009en_US

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