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dc.contributorScience Divisionen_US
dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programmeen_US
dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programme Technical University of Denmark Partnershipen_US
dc.contributor.authorWorld Adaptation Science Programmeen_US
dc.contributor.otherMagnan, Alexandreen_US
dc.contributor.otherChristiansen, Larsen_US
dc.contributor.otherNeufeldt, Henryen_US
dc.contributor.otherKapos, Valerieen_US
dc.contributor.otherLeiter, Timoen_US
dc.contributor.otherDe Mel, Manishkaen_US
dc.contributor.otherMoehner, Annetten_US
dc.contributor.otherRosenzweig, Cynthiaen_US
dc.descriptionThis chapter highlights some of the basic elements of the longer-term approach in terms of assessing adaptation in the context of climate risks. First, climate risks are discussed in the context of the interlinkages between adaptation and mitigation, the current and future risk levels against which to assess adaptation progress, and the extent to which ambitious adaptation could reduce climate risks. Second, the process of assessing adaptation is discussed in the context of framing adaptation progress, barriers in tracking adaptation outcomes (i.e. results in terms of climate risk reduction – see box 2.1), and the scope and methodology of the report. Understanding of these two aspects – climate risk trajectory and adaptation assessment – will continually evolve over the coming AGRs as new knowledge emerges from the literature and more consistent data and information are provided by countries, donors and implementing organizations.en_US
dc.subjectCLIMATE RISKSen_US
dc.titleChapter 2. Framing the Adaptation Gap Report - Adaptation Gap Report 2020en_US
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 13 - Climate Actionen_US
wd.topicsClimate Actionen_US
wd.identifier.pagesnumber8 pagesen_US

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