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dc.contributorLatin America Officeen_US
dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programmeen_US
dc.contributor.authorIntergovernmental Network on Chemicals and Waste for Latin America and the Caribbeanen_US
dc.coverage.spatialLatin America and the Caribbeanen_US
dc.descriptionThis report summarizes the results of the regional survey on priority issues on chemicals and waste management for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), potential priority cooperation activities for 2021-2022, and recommendations by countries based on the experience of implementing the action plan 2019-2020. The survey was disseminated to all national focal points of the Intergovernmental Network on Chemicals and Waste for LAC (the Network). National focal points were encouraged to hold their own consultations with other stakeholders and different government agencies at the national level while responding to the survey. The report intends to provide input to the development of the new Action Plan of the Network, on potential regional cooperation activities on chemicals and waste.en_US
dc.subjectwaste managementen_US
dc.subjectregional cooperationen_US
dc.subjectLatin America and the Caribbeanen_US
dc.titleReport - Priority Issues on Chemicals and Waste Management for Latin America and the Caribbean and Potential Priority Cooperation Activities for 2021-2022en_US
dc.title.alternativeInforme - Temas prioritarios de gestión de sustancias químicas y desechos para América Latina y el Caribe y potenciales áreas de cooperación para el período 2021-2022en_US
wd.identifier.mettingsessionXXII Meeting of the Forum of Ministers of Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean, Bridgetown, Barbados, 1-2 February 2021en_US

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