dc.description | In this issue: 1. Obituary of Mr. Vunga Uikelotu, Principle Ozone Officer and the Head of Ozone Layer Protection Division, Tonga 2. OzonAction Rolls Out Enhanced Informal Prior Informed Consent (iPIC) Platform 3. Address major holes in ozone hole treaty to avert stronger climate change and serious health risks, experts warn 4. Inconsistencies between chemistry–climate models and observed lower stratospheric ozone trends since 1998 5. Lower-GWP refrigeration & air conditioning innovation award 6. Asia-Pacific countries address HFC data challenges together 7. Chinese police raid counterfeit compressor operation 8. Samoa moves to fulfill Montreal Protocol obligation 9. The race is on to build an AC unit that doesn’t cook the planet 10. Brazil introduces revised labeling scale for air conditioners 11. Unlocking Kigali Amendment climate benefits: EIA calls for support of updated refrigerants safety 12. Monitoring and Managing HVACR Systems - Webinar | en_US |