Library Catalog: Recent submissions
Now showing items 621-640 of 1446
European Union environmental law: an introduction to key selected issues
(Ashgate, 2004)
Report of the state and the future of the environment: 2000: General Public Edition
(The Ministry, 2000)
Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on the Environment: 28 November 1997, Helsinki
(The Commission, 1997)
Revue Hellénique de Droit International 2002
(Ant. N. Sakkoulas, 2002)
European - Mediterranean Partnership: the MEDA Programme
(The Commission, 1999)
Environmental impacts of globalization and trade: a systems study
(MIT Press, April 2002)
Report of the state and the future of the environment: 2000
(The Ministry, 2000)
Les responsabilités environnementales dans l'espace européen: point de vue franco-belge
(Emile Bruylant, 2006)
Between sea and earth: a treasure trove
(UNEP. Mediterranean Action Plan. Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (SPA), 2005)
Environmental policy instruments in a new era
(Leiden University, 2001)
La protection de l'environnement en temps de conflit armé
(Pedone, 2001)
Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: 6th SMAP meeting: 21-22 June 2004 - Brussels
(The Commission, 2004)