Library Catalog: Recent submissions
Now showing items 641-660 of 1446
Handbook of environmental law
(UNEP, 1996)
Environmental policy integration: greening sectoral policies in Europe
(Earthscan, 2002)
The skeptical environmentalist: measuring the real state of the world
(Cambridge University Press, 2001)
Handbook of environmental protection and enforcement: principles and practice
(Earthscan, 2007)
Handbook of global environmental politics
(Edward Elgar, 2005)
Environmental policy: implementation and enforcement
(Ashgate, 2002)
Negotiating environmental agreements in Europe: critical factors for success
(Edward Elgar Publishing, 2002)
Global environmental institutions: analysis and options for change
(The Institute, 2000)
Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: Short and medium-term priority environmental action programme (SMAP)
(The Commission, 1999)
Judicial handbook on environmental law
(UNEP, 2005)
Guidance on public participation under the Espoo Convention
(The Commission, 2006)
Caucasus environmental outlook (CEO) 2002
(UNEP, 2002)
Droit international de l'environnement. 3e édition
(Editions Pedone, 2004)
Environmental law in Greece
(Sakkoulas, 1999)
Dictionary and Introduction to Global Environmental Governance
(Earthscan, April 2007)
Guidance on the practical application of the Espoo Convention
(The Commission, 2006)