dc.description | Through the UN-Water Integrated Monitoring Initiative for SDG 6 (IMI-SDG6), the United Nations seeks to support countries in monitoring water- and sanitation-related issues within the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and in compiling country data to report on global progress towards SDG 6. IMI-SDG6 brings together the United Nations organizations that are formally mandated to compile country data on the SDG 6 global indicators. Published by the UN-Water Integrated Monitoring Initiative for SDG 6 (IMI-SDG6), this series of indicator reports is based on the latest available country data, compiled and verified by the custodian United Nations agencies, and sometimes complemented by data from other sources.
This year’s update on the indicator highlights that water pollution is a global problem, independent of a country’s level of development or gross domestic product. The specific sources of pollution may vary between countries and therefore will require targeted solutions, but action must be taken everywhere. One hopeful message underlined by the current data on indicator 6.3.2 is that many water bodies around the world are still in a good condition, so we must also join forces and do everything possible to protect these vital natural assets. | en_US |