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dc.contributorEconomy Divisionen_US
dc.contributor.authorWorld Travel & Tourism Councilen_US
dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programmeen_US
dc.descriptionThe Net Zero Roadmap is intended to support Travel & Tourism stakeholders, including the private sector and sustainability experts, on their journeys towards net zero emissions, with a focus on creating more knowledge about the status quo of emission profiles and climate commitments of the private sector. This includes the most common roadblocks and areas for support, as well as decarbonisation levers that can contribute to the formulation and achievement of net zero targets. The report focuses on specific industries of the Travel & Tourism sector, notably, accommodation, tour operators, aviation, cruise, and OTAs and travel agencies, and offers a decarbonisation framework with specific action tables to support companies in their prioritisation processes. It aims to identify and provide tools and resources to the sector that will encourage collaboration, and support businesses to further prioritise climate action and set high ambitions that will accelerate the change towards a net zero future. This report recognises that adaptation and mitigation can be complementary; climate adaptation reduces the risks and costs of climate change impacts and thus reduces the needs for mitigation. However, adaptation is not covered within this report, which primarily takes a mitigation perspective.en_US
dc.subjectclimate change mitigationen_US
dc.subjectclimate changeen_US
dc.subjectprivate sectoren_US
dc.subjectcarbon dioxideen_US
dc.subjecttourism infrastructureen_US
dc.subjectair transporten_US
dc.titleA Net Zero Roadmap for Travel & Tourism: Proposing a New Target Framework for the Travel & Tourism Sectoren_US

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