Discussion Papers, Concepts and Proposals: Recent submissions
Now showing items 261-280 of 532
High Level Session: The Environmental Dimension of COVID-19 Sustainable Development Recovery - XXII Meeting of the Forum of Ministers of Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean
(2021)Concept note for High Level Session: The Environmental Dimension of COVID-19 Sustainable Development Recovery -
Ministerial Panel: The Role of Nature and Ecosystems Restoration in Building a Sustainable Recovery
(2021)Concept note for the Ministerial Panel on the Role of Nature and Ecosystems Restoration in Building a Sustainable Recovery -
Ministerial Panel: Circularity, Sustainable Economy and Pollution Prevention
(2021)Concept note for Ministerial panel on Circularity, Sustainable Economy and Pollution Prevention -
Bern II Co-Leads Paper: Moving the Synergies -agenda forward in the context of the Negotiations on the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework - Version of 28-12-2020
(2020)The objective of the second consultation workshop of the biodiversity-related conventions on the GBF (Bern II) is for Parties, Secretariats and other stakeholders to reflect on the best way to involve biodiversity-related ... -
Bern II – The Second MEA Consultation Workshop on post-2020: Concept Note
(2020)https://www.unep.org/explore-topics/environmental-rights-and-governance -
Provisional Summary of the Inventory of Technical and Financial Resources and Mechanisms for Supporting Countries in Addressing Marine Plastic Litter and Microplastics: Note by the Secretariat - UNEP/AHEG/2020/4/3
(2020)Both technical and financial resources and mechanisms are fundamental requirements andserve as enabling conditions to combat marine litter. This document aims to provide a summary oftechnical and financial resources and ... -
Summary of the Stocktake of Existing Activities and Action Towards the Long-term Elimination of Discharges Into the Oceans to Reduce Marine Plastic Litter and Microplastics - Note by the Secretariat
(2020)This document provides a summary of the submissions to the stock-taking of existing activities and action (hereinafter referred to as “actions”) towards the long-term elimination of discharges into the oceans to reduce ... -
Draft Annotated Outline of the Study Report on Mercury from Non-ferrous Metals Mining and Smelting for Consideration by the Global Mercury Partnership Advisory Group at its Eleventh Meeting - Note by the Secretariat
(2020)https://web.unep.org/globalmercurypartnership/ -
Draft Annotated Outline of the Study Report on Mercury from Oil and Gas for Consideration by the Global Mercury Partnership Advisory Group at Its Eleventh Meeting - Note by the Secretariat
(2020)https://web.unep.org/globalmercurypartnership/ -
UNEP Global Mercury Partnership Overarching Framework – 2020 version: Note by the Secretariat: UNEP Global Mercury Partnership Advisory Group Eleventh Meeting Virtual meeting, 15-16 December 2020
(2020)https://web.unep.org/globalmercurypartnership/ -
Financial Risk and the Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy Towards a Carbon Stress Testing Framework - Working Paper
(2015)The report shows that there is no fundamental barrier to integrating climate & carbon risks into financial risk and value on models. In addition, addressing this challenge requires not just a focus on the models but also ... -
The Sustainable Insurance Forum: Leading Insurance Supervisors Support Adoption of Climate Disclosure Recommendations
(2017)The Sustainable Insurance Forum (SIF), a leadership group of insurance supervisors and regulators from several nations and jurisdictions working together to strengthen their response to sustainability challenges for the ... -
Aligning Climate Finance to the Effective Implementation of NDCs and to LTSs: Input Document for the G20 Climate Sustainability Working Group
(2018)The purpose of this paper is to propose mechanisms to improve the alignment of international climate finance with national priorities for the implementation of the Paris Agreement Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), ... -
Overview of Questionnaire Survey on the Needs on Mercury Waste Management (as of November 26th 2020)
(2020)https://web.unep.org/globalmercurypartnership/ -
Concept Note for the UNEP Global Mercury Partnership - Waste Management Area Meeting 2020
(2020)https://web.unep.org/globalmercurypartnership/ -
Second COBSEA Webinar on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
(2020)The COBSEA Secretariat hosts a webinar series on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, providing a platform for dialogue on how COBSEA can be leveraged to support countries during the development, delivery and ... -
Resolution 1/7: Strengthening the Role of the United Nations Environment Programme in Promoting Air Quality - Report of the Executive Director
(2016-03)At its first session, held in June 2014, the United Nations Environment Assembly adopted resolution 1/7, on strengthening the role of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in promoting air quality, which followed ... -
Guidance on the Establishment and Operation of COBSEA Regional Activity Centres
(2019)Guidance on the Establishment and Operation of COBSEA Regional Activity Centres -
The role of Environmental and Spiritual Ethics in Galvanizing Nature Based Solutions
(2020)Transitioning to a more sustainable future requires the engagement of the full spectrum of society and the employment of innovative approaches that address climate change and protect the natural environment based on ... -
Outcome of the First Consultative Meeting on the Development of an African Strategy for Ocean Governance: Chair's Summary - Second Consultative Meeting on the Development of an African Strategy for Ocean Governance
(2020-05)At the fifteenth session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN), held in Cairo in 2015, in the Cairo Declaration on Managing Africa’s Natural Capital for Sustainable Development and Poverty ...