Now showing items 1-20 of 230

    • 1991 UNEP Flexible and Rigid Foams Technical Options Report: Pursuant to Article (6)of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer under the Auspices of the United Nations Environment Programme - Final 

      United Nations Environment Programme (1991)
      This report details the available technical options that can be implemented by each foam market segment to completely eliminate CFC usage known as of 1991. Updates on the progress of each market segment in reducing CFC ...
    • 2013 ECOREA;Environmental Review 2013 

      Republic of Korea, Ministry of Environment
      Over the last half a century, Korea has transformed itself from an agricultural country to a highly industrialized country. During the process, various environmental challenges have emerged. The Environment Administration ...
    • A guide to Afghanistan's 2007 environmental law 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2008)
      The purpose of this brochure is to give the Afghan people, and other interested persons, a basic overview as to why and how the Law was developed, and the implications of the Law for the ordinary person and the government. ...
    • A Review of the Environmental Protection Agency 

      Environmental Protection Agency Review Group, Ireland (Environmental Protection Agency Review Group, Ireland, 2011)
      In reviewing the submissions it received, numerous papers presented to it by the EPA and other parties, and further input received during meetings with key stakeholders, it quickly became apparent to the Review Group that ...
    • Accelerating the Global Adoption of Climate-friendly and Energy-efficient Refrigerators 

      United Nations Environment Programme; United for Efficiency (U4E); Global Environment Facility (2017)
      In 2015, in developing countries and emerging economies, residential refrigerators accounted for approximately 10 percent of global electricity consumption in households. In those countries the number of refrigerators in ...
    • Accelerating the Global Adoption of Energy-efficient Electric Motors and Motor Systems 

      United Nations Environment Programme; United for Efficiency (U4E); Global Environment Facility (2017)
      This report guides policymakers on how to promote energy-efficient motors and motor systems in their national markets. It is based on U4E’s Integrated Policy Approach, which has been applied around the world to bring about ...
    • Accelerating the Global Adoption of Energy-efficient Lighting - U4E Policy Guide Series 

      United Nations Environment Programme; Global Environment Facility; United for Efficiency (U4E) (2017)
      This guide offers an overview of the key elements required to transform a national appliance market towards more energy-efficient products through the application of the U4E Integrated Policy Approach. It is cross-cutting ...
    • Accelerating the Global Adoption of Energy-efficient Transformers 

      United Nations Environment Programme; United for Efficiency (U4E); Global Environment Facility (2017)
      This report guides policy makers on how to promote energy-efficient distribution transformers and large power transformers in their national markets. It is based on U4E’s Integrated Policy Approach, which has been used ...
    • Advancing Justice, Governance and Law for Environmental Sustainability: Rio+20 and the World Congress of Chief Justices, Attorneys General and Auditors General 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2012-11)
      Key contributions to the Congress. Speeches, articles, the Rio+20 Declaration on Justice, Governance and Law for Environmental Sustainability and other documents that encase the critical importance behind the World Congress’ ...
    • Albania National Capacity Self-Assessment for Global Environmental Management 

      Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration, Republic of Albania; GEF/United Nations Development Programmeme (Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration, Republic of AlbaniaGEF/UNDP, 2006)
      Albania, with the support of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), has initiated a self-assessment process to lead to a better understanding of capacity development needs in the context of Albania’s priorities for ...
    • Amazon Basin: GIWA regional assessment 

      United Nations Environment Programme;GEF; (UNEP, 2004)
      The Amazon Basin is the largest basin on the planet and also one of the least understood. Its drainage area covers more than one third of the South American continent, and its discharge contributes almost one fifth of ...
    • Annuaire sur l’Environnement et les Ressources Naturelles du Sénégal 

      Ministère de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable - Senegal
      Toujours engagé résolument dans une dynamique réelle d’élaboration et de mise en oeuvre de politiques et programmes dont l’objectif ultime est d’améliorer durablement les conditions et le cadre de vie des populations, le ...
    • Annuaire sur l’Environnement et les Ressources Naturelles du Sénégal Deuxième édition 

      Ministere de I'Environnement, de la Protection de la Nature, des Bassins de Retention et des Lacs Artificiels (MEPNBRLA) - Senegal
      Le Sénégal s'est engagé résolument dans une dynamique réelle d'élaboration et de mise en oeuvre de politiques et programmes dont l'objectif ultime est d'améliorer durablement les conditions et le cadre de vie des populations. ...
    • Annual Report 2017 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2018)
      The publication of this latest review of the work of UN Environment falls in the 70th anniversary year of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Environmental sustainability is essential for global equity and many of ...
    • Antigua and Barbuda: National Bureau of Statistics Act 

      Antigua and Barbuda (2013)
      An act to provide for the establishment of a National Bureau of Statistics in Antigua and Barbuda with the functions of developing an integrated statistical system, establishing standards for statistical purposes, collecting, ...
    • April 2012 - March 2013 St. Helena State of the Environment Report 

      The Environmental Management Division (EMD) - St Helena Government
      To find out how our environment is faring, St. Helena’s first ever State of the Environment Report has been created. This report hopes to provide a snapshot of the environment of St Helena over the 2012/13 financial year. ...
    • Armenia Country Report: EEA 

      European Environment Agency (European Environment Agency (EEA), 2011)
      This report has been prepared to explore the options of introducing European Neighbourhood Partnership Instrument (ENPI)-Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) project in Armenia. The overall objective of the ...
    • Asian Development Outlook 2002: Preferential Trade Agreements in Asia and the Pacific 

      Asian Development Bank (Asian Development Bank (ADB), 2002)
      This 14th edition of the Asian Development Outlook provides a comprehensive analysis of 41 economies in Asia and the Pacific, based on the Asian Development Bank's in-depth knowledge of the region. For the first time, the ...
    • Assessment of energy and water reduction options for the proposed UN House - Juba, South Sudan 

      United Nations Environment Programme; United Nations Mission in Sudan; United Nations, Department of Field Support (2011-01)
      Building on a previous assessment by UNEP and UNSOA of the resource-demand and operating practices of two proposed African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM) camps, in Mogadishu, Somalia and Mombasa, Kenya in June 2009, ...
    • Assessment of Informal Used Lead Acid Battery Recycling and Associated Impacts in Bangladesh 

      United Nations Environment Programme; Pure Earth (2020)
      Bangladesh’s economy has evolved rapidly from one based primarily on agriculture to a more diversified service and manufacturing economy. While this evolution has helped Bangladesh move up the income scale, it has also ...