Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • OzoNews Volume XIX - 15 February 2019 

      United Nations Environment Programme (15/02/2019)
      In this issue: 1. Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion 2018: Full Report Now Available. 2. Study provides more evidence of the recovering Antarctic ozone hole. 3. ASHRAE/UNEP Lower-GWP Refrigeration and Air Conditioning ...
    • OzoNews Volume XVII - 30 August 2017 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2017)
      In this issue : 1. Message from Shamila Nair-Bedouelle, Head of OzonAction, to the National Ozone Officers – Few Steps Ahead for the 2017 Ozone Day Celebrations! 2. Reflections on the Montreal Protocol - the International ...
    • OzoNews Volume XX - 15 November 2020 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2020)
      In this issue: 1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications 2. OzonAction Virtual Side Events at MOP 32 3. Contingency meeting plans for 2020-2021: update 4. The seasonal ozone hole over Antarctica will remain active ...