Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • OzoNews Volume XIX - 30 June 2019 

      United Nations Environment Programme (30/06/2019)
      In this issue: 1. Denmark’s Inger Andersen takes over as head of UN Environment Programme 2. 41st Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer ...
    • OzoNews Volume XIX -15 June 2019 

      United Nations Environment Programme (15/06/2019)
      In this issue: 1. World Refrigeration Day: 26 June 2019 - Refrigerants for Life 2. Nicaragua asume compromiso ambiental y cumple protocolo de Montreal 3. Study identifies chemical blends as possible alternative refrigerants 4. ...
    • OzoNews Volume XVII - 30 May 2017 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2017)
      1. UN Secretary-General Pledges Higher Bar on Climate Action, Energy Efficiency, Stressing Dire Consequences of Failure to Embrace Green Economy 2. OzonAction Clearinghouse Survey on Publications, Information Sharing and ...
    • UNEP in Europe Newsletter December 2012 - January 2013 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2013)
      This publication is a monthly newsletter on UNEPs activities in Europe.