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dc.contributorEarly Warning and Assessment Divisionen_US
dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programmeen_US
dc.contributor.authorUniversity College Cork, Irelanden_US
dc.descriptionThis technical guidance provides an introduction to the key aspects of these waterbodies that can influence the design, development and implementation of a monitoring network, and the interpretation of the monitoring results as part of a water quality assessment. It then goes on to describe the different approaches and methods that can be used to monitor water quality in rivers, lakes and reservoirs and gives some examples of typical water quality assessments in these environments. The guidebook guidebook begins by introducing the key characteristics of rivers, lakes and reservoirs that inform better monitoring programme design and assist in interpreting the data for water quality assessments. It briefly introduces some other types of surface water bodies that are also important in some areas, i.e., estuaries and deltas, and others that have been created by alteration of rivers and lakes to support human needs. The final two chapters give guidance and examples for approaches and methods for monitoring activities and for interpretation and assessment of the monitoring data. It is strongly recommended that this quidebook is read in conjunction with the accompanying guidebooks in the series, particularly “An Introduction to Freshwater Quality Monitoring and Assessment” and “Quality Assurance for Freshwater Quality Monitoring”.en_US
dc.publisherUnited Nations Environment Programmeen_US
dc.subjectwater quality managementen_US
dc.subjectwater qualityen_US
dc.subjectquality assuranceen_US
dc.subjectwater samplingen_US
dc.subjectwater monitoringen_US
dc.subjectin situ conservationen_US
dc.titleWater Quality Monitoring and Assessment in Rivers, Lakes and Reservoirs - Technical Guidance Documenten_US
dc.typeManuals, Guides and Toolkitsen_US
dc.typeReports, Books and Bookletsen_US
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitationen_US
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 14 - Life Below Wateren_US
wd.topicsNature Actionen_US
wd.identifier.pagesnumber84 p.en_US
dc.relation.TableOfContentsChapter 1: Introductionen_US
dc.relation.TableOfContentsChapter 2: Morphology and characteristics of rivers and streamsen_US
dc.relation.TableOfContentsChapter 3: Chemical and biological characteristics of rivers and streamsen_US
dc.relation.TableOfContentsChapter 4: Morphology and characteristics of lakes and reservoirsen_US
dc.relation.TableOfContentsChapter 5: Chemical and biological characteristics of lakes and reservoirsen_US
dc.relation.TableOfContentsChapter 6: Basic principles for monitoring in rivers, lakes and reservoirsen_US
dc.relation.TableOfContentsChapter 7: Monitoring for water quality assessmentsen_US

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