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dc.contributorAsia & Pacific Officeen_US
dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programmeen_US
dc.contributor.authorCoordinating Body on the Seas of East Asiaen_US
dc.descriptionWith support from the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA) piloted training and capacity building among low income women in Untia, Indonesia, in partnership with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Indonesia. The pilot aimed to overcome the pollution challenges faced by this remote community by enhancing the capacity of Untia’s Materials Recovery Facility (MRF). The pilot was implemented with the social enterprise ‘Rappo’ which trained women in valuable sewing skills to create reusable bags decorated with intricate patterns using hard-to-recycle plastic bags. The initiative created livelihood opportunities for women in the remote community, enhanced their understanding and skills, and improved their wellbeing. The case study is part of a series developed by COBSEA with partners in the region aimed at sharing lessons learned and replicating good practices on integrated plastic waste management in remote and island communities in the East Asian Seas region. All COBSEA case studies are available on the web platform of the Regional Node of the GPML.en_US
dc.subjectsolid waste managementen_US
dc.subjectmarine pollutionen_US
dc.subjectplastic wasteen_US
dc.subjectwomen in developmenten_US
dc.subjectpollution preventionen_US
dc.titleIntegrated Solid Waste Management Good Practices to Prevent Plastic Marine Litter in the East Asian Seas Region: Untia, Makassar, Indonesia - Women Empowerment - COBSEA Case Study Seriesen_US
dc.typeFactsheets, Infographics and Brochuresen_US
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 3 - Good Health and Well-beingen_US
wd.topicsChemicals and Pollution Actionen_US
wd.identifier.pagesnumber8 p.en_US

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