Closing weather and climate data gaps: Enabling effective adaptation in Bhutan - Adaptation Gap Report 2023 – Case Study

Repnik, Markus ; Dupchu, Karma ; Zoetelief, Jochem ; Pietarila, Harri (2023-11)

Closing the basic weather and climate data gap in Bhutan and other vulnerable countries will improve global weather models substantially, leading to better local forecasts and more effective early warnings – a key element of effective adaptation and of saving lives. This case study is part of the publication “Adaptation Gap Report 2023: Underfinanced. Underprepared. Inadequate investment and planning on climate adaptation leaves world exposed” (ISBN No: 978-92-807-4092-9). Suggested citation: United Nations Environment Programme (2023). Closing weather and climate data gaps: Enabling effective adaptation in Bhutan. An online resource of Adaptation Gap Report 2023: Underfinanced. Underprepared. Inadequate investment and planning on climate adaptation leaves world exposed. Nairobi.

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