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dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre
dc.coverage.spatialCentral Europe
dc.descriptionThis report, which covers the conservation status and geographical distribution of marine turtles, their nesting beaches and foraging areas in the Mediterranean, was prepared under Contract No. 32.88 from the Environment Conservation and Management Division within the Secretariat General of the Council of Europe. The first draft document incorporated information available up to 5 December 1988. This draft was revised in March 1990, to incorporate review comments and previously unavailable information from fieldwork undertaken during the 1988 season. The report is essentially a review document
dc.descriptionemphasis has been placed on gathering and sunmarising the available information relating to marine turtles in the Mediterranean, with the intention of providing a base line by which future conditions may better be assessed.
dc.publisherUNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC)
dc.subjectspecies conservation programmeen_US
dc.subjectprotected marine zoneen_US
dc.subjectprotected speciesen_US
dc.subjectendangered speciesen_US
dc.subjectvulnerable speciesen_US
dc.subjectmarine conservation areaen_US
dc.subjectmarine ecosystemen_US
dc.titleMarine Turtles in the Mediterranean: distribution, population status, conservation
dc.typeReports, Books and Bookletsen_US

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