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dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre
dc.descriptionIn April 1991, the Nature Conservancy Council for England, Countryside Council for Wales and Scottish Natural Heritage acting together through the Joint Nature Conservation Committee were appointed by the Secretary of State for the Environment as the United Kingdom's Scientific Authority for Animals under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). CITES regulates international trade in wild animals and plants and in products derived from them, to help to ensure their conservation on a worldwide scale. The purpose of CITES is to regulate international trade in endangered wild animals and plants and in products derived from them, to help to ensure their conservation on a worldwide scale.
dc.publisherUNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC)
dc.subjectinternational tradeen_US
dc.subjectred listen_US
dc.subjectspecies conservation programmeen_US
dc.subjectconservation of speciesen_US
dc.subjectbird speciesen_US
dc.titleChecklist of birds listed in the CITES appendices and in EC Regulation 338/97
dc.typeReports, Books and Bookletsen_US

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