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dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programme
dc.descriptionThis report presents the results of the GIWA assessment of the Sea of Okhotsk region. Rapid population growth and economic development have led to increasing pollution loads in the Amur River basin the region's largest drainage basin placing increasing pressure on its diverse ecosystems. In the Sea of Okhotsk region, fishing fleets are unsustainably exploiting the Sea fisheries, and the extensive oil and gas development will significantly increase the risk of spills in the future. The report assesses the past and present status and future prospects of the region, and traces the transboundary issues back to their root causes. Policy options are proposed that aim to address these drivi
dc.publisherUniversity of Kalmar on behalf of United Nations Environment Programme
dc.relationwater resources legislation
dc.relationwater utilisation
dc.relationinternational agreement
dc.relationinternational co-operation
dc.relationinternational relations
dc.relationinternational river basin
dc.relationenvironmental assessment
dc.relationenvironmental conservation
dc.relationenvironmental protection
dc.subjectnatural resourceen_US
dc.subjectresource conservationen_US
dc.subjectresource managementen_US
dc.subjectwater analysisen_US
dc.subjectwater conservationen_US
dc.subjectwater consumptionen_US
dc.subjectwater demanden_US
dc.subjectwater managementen_US
dc.subjectwater monitoringen_US
dc.subjectwater protectionen_US
dc.subjectwater qualityen_US
dc.subjectwater resourceen_US
dc.subjectwater resource managementen_US
dc.subjectwater utilisationen_US
dc.subjectenvironmental assessmenten_US
dc.subjectfreshwater conservationen_US
dc.subjectfreshwater degradationen_US
dc.subjectfreshwater ecosystemen_US
dc.subjectfreshwater monitoringen_US
dc.subjectfreshwater pollutionen_US
dc.subjectfreshwater resourceen_US
dc.subjectpollution controlen_US
dc.subjectpollution costen_US
dc.subjectwater pollutionen_US
dc.subjectenvironmental conservationen_US
dc.subjectenvironmental impacten_US
dc.subjectenvironmental impact assessmenten_US
dc.subjectenvironmental protectionen_US
dc.subjectcoast protectionen_US
dc.subjectcoastal areaen_US
dc.subjectcoastal ecosystemen_US
dc.subjectcoastal environmenten_US
dc.subjectcoastal pollutionen_US
dc.subjectcoastal wateren_US
dc.subjectmarine conservation areaen_US
dc.subjectmarine ecosystemen_US
dc.subjectsea resourceen_US
dc.subjectsea water protectionen_US
dc.subjectcoastal fishingen_US
dc.subjectcoastal managementen_US
dc.subjectriver basin developmenten_US
dc.subjectriver managementen_US
dc.subjectwater resource conservationen_US
dc.subjectwater resource developmenten_US
dc.subjecttransboundary pollutionen_US
dc.subjectenvironmental pollutionen_US
dc.titleGlobal International Waters Assessment_Sea of Okhotsk, GIWA Regional assessment 30
dc.typeReports, Books and Bookletsen_US

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