Rangeland Restoration: Model Summary And Toolkit Guide
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Office for Project Services
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RT Generic T1 Rangeland Restoration: Model Summary And Toolkit Guide A1 United Nations Environment Programme, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Office for Project Services YR 2017 LK https://wedocs.unep.org/20.500.11822/33292 PB AB TY - GEN T1 - Rangeland Restoration: Model Summary And Toolkit Guide AU - United Nations Environment Programme, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Office for Project Services Y1 - 2017 UR - https://wedocs.unep.org/20.500.11822/33292 PB - AB - @misc{20.500.11822_33292 author = {United Nations Environment Programme, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Office for Project Services}, title = {Rangeland Restoration: Model Summary And Toolkit Guide}, year = {2017}, abstract = {}, url = {https://wedocs.unep.org/20.500.11822/33292} } @misc{20.500.11822_33292 author = {United Nations Environment Programme, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Office for Project Services}, title = {Rangeland Restoration: Model Summary And Toolkit Guide}, year = {2017}, abstract = {}, url = {https://wedocs.unep.org/20.500.11822/33292} } TY - GEN T1 - Rangeland Restoration: Model Summary And Toolkit Guide AU - United Nations Environment ProgrammeUnited Nations Environment Programme, United Nations Development ProgrammeUnited Nations Development Programme, United Nations Office for Project Services UR - https://wedocs.unep.org/20.500.11822/33292 PB - AB -View/Open
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This draft model has emerged from five years of intensive implementation and research work in four wards of the communal tenure landscape of the Matatiele Municipality, located in the upper uMzimvubu catchment, in the northern Eastern Cape (erstwhile Transkei) of South Africa.
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