Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Developing Capacity Among Rodriguans to Adopt Green Businesses through Training to Key Stakeholders and the Development of a Green Business Guidebook 

      United Nations Environment Programme; United Nations Development Programme; United Nations Office for Project Services (2020)
      The SWITCH Africa Green programme was developed by the European Commission to support African countries in their transition to an inclusive green economy, the main objective being to promote sustainable development. This ...
    • Green Millions - Switch Africa Green 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2018)
      African economies remain insufficiently diversified. The largest percentage of the continent’s gross domestic product (GDP) is derived from natural resources sectors, for example, tourism, agriculture, mining, forestry ...
    • Programme National d’Efficacité Energétique (PNEE) 

      United Nations Environment Programme; United Nations Development Programme; United Nations Office for Project Services (2020)
      This impact sheet on ‘Programme National d’Efficacité Energétique (PNEE)’ provides a snapshot of results and achievements of the project under the Green Business Development Component of Phase I (2014-2019) of the SWITCH ...