Browsing Manuals, Guides and Toolkits by Country/Region "Asia and the Pacific"
Now showing items 1-20 of 43
Appendix 4: POPs Data Handling Guidance
(2018-04)The present POPs Data Handling Guidance intends to provide additional assistance, to six Pacific Islands in the processing, interpretation, and presentation of their own data using basic excel tools. The procedure for data ... -
Asia Toolkit Project on Inventories of Dioxin and Furan Releases National PCDD/PCDF Inventories
(2003)This Toolkit had been developed by UNEP Chemicals to assist countries in undertaking inventories of dioxin and furan releases, and to do so in a harmonized and rigorous manner. -
Business, Human Rights, and the Environment: Overcoming the Plastics Challenge - Reducing Marine Litter by addressing Management of the Plastic Value Chain in South-East Asia
(2022-08)The protection of our environment and ecosystems is key to human well-being and the enjoyment of human rights, including the rights to life, health and adequate standard of living, access to adequate food and to safe ... -
Directory of Institutions and Individuals Active in Environmental Training at Tertiary Level in Asia and the Pacific - NETLAP Publication No. 2
(1993)In 1986, UNEP published a Directory of Tertiary Institutions Offering Environmental Education and Training Courses in Asia and Pacific Region. This was followed in 1990 by the Directory of Personnel and Experts on Environmental ... -
Eco-i Manual - Agri-food Supplement
(2017)This manual contains information specific to the agri-food sector supplementing the eco-innovation manual when working with companies in this sector. As agri-food is a resource intensive sector with significant adverse ... -
Eco-i Manual - Metals Supplement
(2016)The sector specific supplement for metals value chains is an integral part of the Eco-I manual, as it applies the eco-innovation methodology with all its phases and activities on the metals value chain. Valuable background ... -
Ecosystem-based Adaptation: A Handbook for EbA in Mountain, Dryland and Coastal Ecosystems
(2018)The purpose of this handbook is to provide a tool to guide the planning and implementation of ecosystem based adaptation (EbA) in developing countries to help address the growing impacts of climate change. The handbook ... -
Empowering Regional Action: How ECA Network Countries Used Legislative & Policy Options / RAC Sector Action Tables as an Effective Tool to Foster Dialogue and Share Insights to Support Kigali Amendment Implementation
(2024-12)The Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol requires parties to reduce hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) consumption. To support the countries’ efforts, UNEP OzonAction has developed tools to assist countries in implementing ... -
Eutrophication Monitoring Guidelines by Remote Sensing for the NOWPAP Region
(NOWPAP Special Monitoring and Coastal Environmental Assessment Regional Activity Centre (NOWPAP CEARAC), 2007)These guidelines have been designed particularly for coastal managers in local government and professional researchers involved in translating satellite remote sensing into information and tools that are useful for the ... -
Gender Integration in Renewable Energy Policy: A Guideline for Renewable Energy Policy and Decision Makers
(United Nations Environment Programme, 2020-11)The purpose of this guide is to introduce and improve the integration of gender issues in renewable energy policies, plans and strategies by providing practical ways to step up commitments in renewable energy policy in an ... -
Guidance for Prosecutors of Waste Crime
(2020)This Guidance is intended to provide guidance and practical information for authorities involved in the prosecution of cases of illegal traffic in hazardous or other wastes. Whilst the scope of the illegal transboundary ... -
Guidance on Streamlining National ODS/HFC Licensing System in Asia and the Pacific
(2024-11)The guidance is designed to assist the governments of developing countries (“Article 5 countries” under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer) in devising strategies for digital solutions in ... -
Guide to Assessing the Costs of Inaction of Tackling Air Pollution
(2023-05)This document provides up-to-date guidance to ASEAN Member States on conducting and using an assessment of the costs of inaction of tackling air pollution based on rigorous scientific methods and best available data. Such ... -
Guideline for Shoreline Clean-up
(Marine Environmental Emergency Preparedness and Response Regional Activity Centre the Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP MERRAC), 2005)This guideline has been developed to provide practical suggestions for the treatment or cleanup of oiled shorelines by expert groups, taking into account the reference materials and methods used in the NOWPAP region. In ... -
Guideline for the Use of Dispersants
(Marine Environmental Emergency Preparedness and Response Regional Activity Centre the Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP MERRAC), 2005)This report aims to give an overview of the international use of dispersants, as a basis for the development of NOWPAP Guidelines on Oil Spill Dispersants that can be used during joint response operations within the framework ... -
Guidelines for Environmental Assessment of Development Projects
(1982)The purpose of the Test Model is to make available to the policy and decision makers environmental information in a form they can readily use. It facilitates development decisions that are conducive to making resources ... -
Guidelines for Monitoring Marine Litter on the Seabed in the Northwest Pacific Region
(Marine Environmental Emergency Preparedness and Response Regional Activity Centre of the Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP MERRAC), 2010)These guidelines, developed as a part of the NOWPAP Marine Litter Activity (MALITA) project, aim to assist NOWPAP Member states, local governments, volunteers and NGOs, in monitoring marine litter on the seabed. -
Guidelines for Providing and Improving Port Reception Facilities and Services for Ship-Generated Marine litter in the Northwest Pacific Region
(2010)The objective of these guidelines is to help reduce the discharge of ship-generated marine litter (garbage) into the sea by the provision and improvement of the capacity and efficiency of port reception facilities and waste ... -
Guidelines for Sanitation Management in Asia and Africa
(2006)This report presents information on the status, policies, regulations and actions (including master plan) in the Asia and Africa for sanitation (wastewater) management. Recently, it has been estimated that more than half ...