Browsing Manuals, Guides and Toolkits by Topic "Climate Action"
Now showing items 1-20 of 29
The 2024 International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies - A Practical Guide for Individuals, Cities, Governments, Schools & Universities, Businesses, Civil Society
(2024-09)On 7 September 2024, the world will celebrate International Day of Clean Air for blue skies calling for global action to combat air pollution, one of the greatest health and environmental challenges of our time. The day ... -
Addressing Climate-related Security Risks: Conflict Sensitivity for Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Livelihoods - Guidance Note
(2022-07)This guidance note supports the development of strategies, policies, and projects that seek to increase resilience by linking climate change adaptation, peacebuilding, and sustainable livelihoods. (->) A brief INTRODUCTION ... -
Addressing Climate-related Security Risks: Conflict Sensitivity for Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Livelihoods - Monitoring & Evaluation Note
(2022-07)This M&E note supports the monitoring and evaluation of strategies, policies, and projects that seek to increase resilience by linking climate change adaptation, peacebuilding, and sustainable livelihoods. It accompanies ... -
Addressing Climate-related Security Risks: Conflict Sensitivity for Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Livelihoods - Toolbox
(2022-07)This toolbox accompanies the “Addressing Climate- Related Security Risks” Guidance Note which supports the development of strategies, policies, and projects that seek to increase resilience by linking climate change ... -
Cambodia Spatial Planning National Resource Document
(2013-03)Cambodia’s national resource report on spatial planning in coastal areas, with a focus on preventing/reducing the impacts of emergency issues, including natural disasters, climate change and sea-level-rise, considers issues ... -
Capitalisation de Bonnes Pratiques du Projet: Promouvoir la Résilience Climatique de la Riziculture à travers des Investissements Pilotes dans la Région d’Alaotra Mangoro, Madagascar
(2019)Deux thematiques sont abordees dans ce document: i) Gérer un projet de développement au sein des ministères publics : Éléments essentiels à retenir et se préparer pour les futurs managers à la suite de l’expérience d’AFRICE, ... -
China Spatial Planning National Resource Document
(2012-11)China’s national resource report on spatial planning in coastal areas, with a focus on preventing/reducing the impacts of emergency issues, including natural disasters, climate change and sea-level-rise, considers issues ... -
Compendium of WHO and other UN Guidance on Health and Environment
(World Health Organization, 2021)This compendium provides a systematic compilation of published guidance from WHO and other UN organizations on all major areas of health and the environment. This guidance also includes information about ways to raise ... -
Directives Techniques pour le Modèle Intégré de Riziculture Résiliente au Changement Climatique ‘MIRR’ pour les Régions de L’alaotra, de L’itasy et du Moyen-Ouest du Vakinankaratra
(2019)Le concept général du MIRR repose sur une agriculture productive dans des conditions de contraintes climatiques liées à l’imprévisibilité de la variabilité climatique et à la fréquence des évènements climatiques ... -
Eco-Entrepreneurship Guide
(2017)This guide covers empowering BDAs & NSAs to advocate for sustainable consumption and production practices and support Eco-Entrepreneurs in their development and transition towards green inclusive businesses -
Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Rural Resilience in Tanzania: A Handbook
(2020)The aim of this publication is to enhance capacities among policymakers and practitioners on EbA and to support institutions in successfully taking action on promoting EbA. This course therefore provides an introduction ... -
Ecosystem-based Adaptation: A Handbook for EbA in Mountain, Dryland and Coastal Ecosystems
(2018)The purpose of this handbook is to provide a tool to guide the planning and implementation of ecosystem based adaptation (EbA) in developing countries to help address the growing impacts of climate change. The handbook ... -
Environmental Rights for Journalists: A Guidebook on Best Practices
(2022-03)This guidebook presents background, information and examples of good practices, related to the work of environmental defenders, collected during listening activities, knowledge sharing and interviews. Since it was launched ... -
Get Involved Guide: International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste
(2022-07)The international day of awareness of food loss and waste (IDAFLW) will be observed for the third time on 29 September 2022. The IDAFLW will make a clear call to action for public and private entities, from across the food ... -
Goodlife Goals [Pack of Actions]
(2018)The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint for a better future. And together we can reach them. By following the Good Life Goals we can all help make tomorrow better than today. Let’s do this! -
Guidance on Streamlining National ODS/HFC Licensing System in Asia and the Pacific
(2024-11)The guidance is designed to assist the governments of developing countries (“Article 5 countries” under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer) in devising strategies for digital solutions in ... -
Indonesia Spatial Planning National Resource Document
(2011)Indonesia’s national resource report on spatial planning in coastal areas, with a focus on preventing/reducing the impacts of emergency issues, including natural disasters, climate change and sea-level-rise, considers ... -
Integrating Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Education Curriculum: A Resource Guide
(2019)The main objective of this guide is to position EbA as an approach to address the challenges related to climate variability and change globally. The reference guide is designed to support teachers and environmental educators ... -
Localising the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Fair Trade – Toolkit
(2016)Fair Trade is a trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency and respect, that seeks greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and ... -
#OnlyOneEarth: A Practical Guide to Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature Developed for World Environment Day 2022
(2022-05)Climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste –evidence that Earth is “code red” is all around us and growing more ominous every day. At the same time, billions of people are short of income, food, ...