Now showing items 2838-2857 of 4373

    • Pachamama: Our Earth, Our Future 

      United Nations Environment Programme; Peace Child International (1999)
      This book is a perfect introduction for young people to the environmental challenges that await us in the 21st century. Based on the United Nations Environment Programme's authoritative Global Environment Outlook, it ...
    • Pacific Environment and Climate Change Outlook 

      Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
      The Pacific Environment and Climate Change Outlook Report 2012 clearly shows that the Pacific islands are increasingly being threatened in terms of food, water and livelihood security and calls on us all to step up and do ...
    • Pacific Integrated Island Management : principles, case studies and lessons learned 

      United Nations Environment Programme; Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
      This document is supported by an illustrated synthesis and electronic materials for use in communicating and promoting use of Integrated Island Management approaches. These products are designed to raise awareness of ...
    • Pacific Islands: GIWA regional assessment 

      United Nations Environment Programme (United Nations Environment Programme, 2004)
      This report presents the GIWA assessment of the Pacific Islands region, which comprises more than 20 Island nations or territories that exhibit enormous geomorphological, climatic, cultural and demographic diversity within ...
    • Palau - National Report for Third International Conference 

      Republic of Palau
      The Republic of Palau has met or nearly accomplished most of the 2015 Millennium Development Goals. As a leader in sustainable development and conservation, Palau is committed to work towards universal and affordable ...
    • Panama Environmental Report 1999 - GEO Panama 

      Panama, National Environmental Authority (ational Environmental Authority (ANAM) - Panama, 1999)
      The first of the national reports in Latin America to be undertaken using the GEO methodology. Prepared by the National Environmental Authority (ANAM) of Panama, the report covers the state of the environment in Panama, ...
    • Panorama Ambiental de Cuba 2000 

      Cuba, Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment (Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment, Cuba (CITMA), 2000)
      Integrated environmental assessment of Cuba using the GEO methodology. This report was completed by the Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment, Cuba (CITMA) in 2001. The report follows the GEO structure, ...
    • Paradigm Shift from Incineration to Resource Management, and Town Development: The Case of Oki Town 

      United Nations Environment Programme; Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (2018)
      Cognisant of the disadvantages of incineration (i.e. high disposal costs, barriers to promoting the 3Rs, overuse of resources and impacts on climate change), Oki Town decided to make a radical change with the installation ...
    • Paraquat and Diquat - Environmental Health Criteria 39 

      United Nations Environment Programme; World Health Organization; International Labour Organisation (1984)
      Paraquat (l,l'dimethyl, 4,4' bipyridyl) is a nor selective contact herbicide. It is produced in several countries including China, Province of Taiwan, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the USA, and it is used world-wide ...
    • Paraquat Health and Safety Guide - Health and Safety Guide51 

      United Nations Environment Programme; World Health Organization; International Labour Organisation (1991)
      Pure paraquat salts are white and the technical products, yellow. They are crystalline, odourless, hygroscopic powders. Paraqual is slightly soluble in alcohol and practically insoluble in organic solvents. Paraquat is ...

      United Nations Environment Programme (Agence Francaise and Development, 2015-10)
      This document was compiled by CODATU association at the request and underthe supervision of the Agence Française de Développement (AFD). It was written byPablo Salazar Ferro in close collaboration with Lise Breuil (AFD) ...
    • Participatory Waste Management Approach for Climate Change Mitigation: The Case of Battambang City 

      United Nations Environment Programme; Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (2018)
      As with many other cities in Cambodia, Battambang Municipality faces huge challenges in managing its waste. In order to overcome these problems, Battambang launched a participatory waste management initiative in 2011, with ...
    • Particle Flux in the Ocean - SCOPE 57 

      United Nations Environment Programme (1996)
      The publication of this volume on Particle Flux in the Ocean brings to a close a phase of the Global Carbon Cycle project which has concentrated on under-standing the flow, interaction and fate of carbon and other nutrients ...
    • Partnership for Global Development: Strengthen the Means of Implementation and Revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development 

      World Bank
      Funding, capacity building, knowledge sharing, international outreach, debt sustainability, trade facilitation, domestic resource mobilization, effective public–private partnerships, and access to tools and technologies ...
    • Partnership Initiative for the Integration of Sound Management of Chemicals into Development Planning Processes: Maximizing Return on Investment 

      United Nations Environment Programme; United Nations Development Programme (2009)
      The primary objective of the Partnership Initiative is to facilitate the integration of sound management of chemicals into national development planning processes in order to support sustainable development in developing ...
    • Partnerships for Wastewater Management in the Wider Caribbean - CEP Technical Report 90 

      United Nations Environment Programme; Caribbean Environment Programme (2015)
      A range of organizations have been involved in the implementation of the first phase of CReW. The main “actors” in CReW have been the ministries with responsibility for water and wastewater and the water and wastewater ...
    • Passaporte Verde: Revista Consumo e Produção Sustentáveis 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2014)
      Campanha global do Programa das Nações Unidas para o Meio Ambiente, o Passaporte Verde aposta no turismo para promover ações de sustentabilidade e estimular a mudança de atitude em viajantes e empresários. Esta publicação ...
    • Pastoralism and the Green Economy - A Natural Nexus? - Briefing Note 

      United Nations Environment Programme
      A policy summary of Pastoralism and the Green Economy - a natural nexus? This study focuses on pastoralism’s current and future potential for securing sustainable management and green economy outcomes from the world’s ...
    • Pastoralism and the Green Economy – A Natural Nexus? Status, Challenges and Policy Implications 

      International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources; United Nations Environment Programme
      This study focuses on pastoralism’s current and future potential for securing sustainable management and green economy outcomes from the world’s rangelands. It synthesises existing evidence and uses practical examples from ...
    • Pastoralism in Practice: Monitoring Livestock mobility in Contemporary Sudan 

      United Nations Environment Programme (United Nations Environment Programme, 2013)
      Given the spotlight on livestock mobility, this study aimed to develop and pilot new methods and approaches to investigating livestock mobility, in order to review the resilience of the pastoralist systems and related ...