Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • 2017 Global Review of Sustainable Public Procurement 

      United Nations Environment Programme
      The 2017 Global Review of Sustainable Public Procurement provides an up-to-date overview of the scale and type of sustainable procurement activities undertaken worldwide in the past three years. It addresses a longstanding ...
    • 2022 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction: Towards a Zero‑emission, Efficient and Resilient Buildings and Construction Sector 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2022-11)
      Decarbonizing the buildings sector by 2050 is critical to delivering these emission cuts – and to addressing the wider triple planetary crisis of climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste. ...
    • Cleaner Production Worldwide 

      United Nations Environment Programme (1995)
      This booklet aims to show through examples that by applying cleaner production, industry and consumers anywhere in the world can gain environmental benefits while reducing costs. The purpose of this booklet is to illustrate ...
    • Evaluating National Policies on Corporate Sustainability Reporting 

      United Nations Environment Programme; Group of Friends of Paragraph 47
      The global landscape of sustainability reporting is changing fast, and government policy is emerging as a key driver for ensuring the increased corporate transparency and accountability that is required for progress towards ...
    • World heritage and tourism in a changing climate 

      Unknown author
      This report provides an overview of the increasing vulnerability of World Heritage sites to climate change impacts and the potential implications for and of global tourism. It also examines the close relationship between ...