Browsing UNEP Publications Pre-2023 by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 1239
Environmental Aspects of the Iron and Steel Industry - Workshop Proceedings Volume 1 Part 1
(1978)This document gives the Proceedings of the Workshop, which includes the background papers prepared for the Workshop as well as a report prepared by the Secretariat on the environmental aspects of the Iron and steel Industry. -
Technology, Development and the Environment : A Re-Appraisal
(United Nations Environment Programme, 1979)Development must be viewed as a comprehensive and global process, embracing all aspects of the social system and its interrelationship with the natural environment. In this dynamic interrelationship, technology is the ... -
Environmental Aspects of the Iron and Steel Industry Workshop Proceedings Volume 1 Part 2 - Geneva, 17-20 October, 1978
(1980)This report is concerned with the overview of the steel industry in developed nations, viz the EEC, USA, Canada, Australia and Japan; another report, prepared by Mr. Obata is devoted to the problems in developing nations ... -
In Defence of the Earth: The Basic Texts on Environment - Executive Series 1
(1981)Executives in both the public and private sectors need to be kept abreast of relevant information vital to decision-making. With this in view, and recognizing the "threats to both the inner limits of basic human needs and ... -
Principes Directeurs Pour l'Evaluation de l'Impact sur l'Environnement des Industries et les Critères Environnementaux de Leur Implantation
(1981)Les principes directeurs formulés par le PNUE a donner un cadre de travail permettant d'organiser et d'entreprendre une E.I.E. en fonction des conditions prédorinantes. Le texte principal des principes directeurs est divisé ... -
Environmental Guidelines for the Motor Vehicle and its Use - UNEP Industry & Environment Guidelines Series, Volume 2
(1981)The environmental aspects of the motor vehicle and its use were first brought under review by UNEP at the Seminar on the Motor Vehicle and the Environment, held in 1976. Material gathered in association with the Seminar ... -
Environmental Management in the Pulp and Paper Industry Volume 1
(1981)This 2-volume publication on Environmental Management in the Pulp and Paper Industry provides a useful base of environmental information and data relating to the industry. It is expected that this publication will enable ... -
Environmental Aspects of the Pulp and Paper Industry : An Overview
(1982)This operational guideline is designed to give an overview of the major environmental concerns, parameters and constraints pertaining to the pulp industry, covering raw material preparation, pulping, manufacturing and ... -
Environmental Guidelines for Pesticide Use on Industrial Crops - UNEP Environmental Management Guidelines No. 1
(1982)Pest control is directly related to two of man's most pressing problems: the provision of food and agricultural commodities for ever-expanding populations and the maintenance of health by the suppression of vectors of human ... -
The State of the Environment 1972-1982
(1982)The present report focuses on the changes (positive or negative) that occurred in the state of the world environment in the decade following the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment convened at Stockholm in ... -
Combating Desertification in China
(1982)In 1951, the Advisory Committee on Arid Zone Research was established within UNESCO to organize the first systematic investigations into problems affecting and lands. As time passed, some 200 desert research institutes ... -
Environmental Guidelines for Watershed Development - UNEP Environmental Management Guidelines No. 3
(1982)Economic and development activities in watersheds can be manifold and the interactions between the physical, biologic and socio-economic factors very complex. Therefore, watershed management and development needs an ... -
Environmental Guidelines for Irrigation in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas - UNEP Environmental Management Guidelines No. 2
(1982)Since the dawn of civilization irrigation has played an important role in helping man satisfy the most basic of all his needs the need for food. However, the impact of irrigation projects is not exclusively beneficial, and ... -
Guidelines on Risk Management and Accident Prevention in the Chemical Industry
(1982)In the review of the Chemical Industry and the Environment, the issue of risk management and accident prevention was identified as one of the major areas on which attention should be focused and at the UNEP Workshop on ... -
Environmental Guidelines for the Restoration and Rehabilitation of Land and Soils after Mining Activities - UNEP Environmental Management Guidelines No. 8
(1983)These are general guidelines for the protection and reclamation of mining areas. They are applicable irrespective of global location and prevalent socio-economic relations. -
Environmental Guidelines for the Direct Reduction Route to Steel Making
(1983)The electric arc furnace and the development of the mini-steel mill, along with direct reduction, has enabled countries to install for themselves steel making capacities for 60 to 70% of the capital cost required for an ... -
The State of the Environment 1983: Selected Topics
(1983)The present state of the environment report deals with three topics of international significance selected by the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme at its tenth session: two contemporary issues ... -
The State of the Environment 1985: Environmental Aspects of Emerging Agricultural Technologies – Population and the Environment
(1984)In compliance with Governing Council decision 12/3 C of 28 May 1984, two closely interrelated topics are considered in the present report: environmental aspects of emerging agricultural technologies and population and the ... -
Guidelines for the Environmental Management of Alumina Production
(1984)These Guidelines are not intended to lay down statutory or mandatory rules, but rather, in summarizing current experience and generally accepted good environmental management practice, to indicate action to be taken, ...