Browsing UNEP Publications Pre-2023 by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 1239
10 years after Rio: the UNEP assessment - executive summary
(UNEP, 2002)This report documents industry's progress unfinished business and future challenge in implementing agenda 21. -
2002 report of the aerosols, sterilants, miscellaneous uses and carbon tetrachloride technical options committee (ATOC)
(United Nations Environment Programme, 2003)More than 10 billion aerosol products were used worldwide in 2001, the largest amount on record for this industry. Commercial use of aerosols developed after the Second World War based on the unique properties offered by ... -
2002 report of the flexible and rigid foams: technical options committee
(UNEP, 2003)Historically, the blowing agent selection made by the foam plastics manufacturing industry was based heavily on CFCs. This was particularly the case in closed cell insulating foams. An assortment of CFCs and other ozone ... -
2002 report of the methyl bromide: technical options committee (MBTOC)
(UNEP, 2002)The Methyl Bromide Technical Options Committee (MBTOC) was established by the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer to identify existing and potential alternatives to methyl bromide ... -
2002 report of the refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumps technical options committee (RTOC)
(UNEP, 2003)In the last decade, the refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump industry made tremendous technical progress and complied with the Montreal Protocol through phasing out CFCs and, in several applications, HCFCs as well. ... -
2002 report of the Solvents, coating and adhesives technical options committee
(UNEP, 2003)The 2002 report is considerably different from previous reports of the Solvents Technical Options Committee (STOC). The physical structure has been designed so that each sub-sector has a self-contained chapter that summarises ... -
2014 United Nations List of Protected Areas
(UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), 2014)The United Nations List of Protected Areas has its origins in the recognition of the importance by the United-Nations of the “national parks and equivalent reserves” for the conservation of the Earth’s natural places and ... -
2017 Global Review of Sustainable Public Procurement
(2017)The 2017 Global Review of Sustainable Public Procurement provides an up-to-date overview of the scale and type of sustainable procurement activities undertaken worldwide in the past three years. It addresses a longstanding ... -
2018 United Nations List of Protected Areas: Supplement on protected area management effectiveness
(2018)The United Nations List of Protected Areas (hereafter referred to as ‘the UN List’) is a list of terrestrial, coastal and marine protected areas designated by governments around the world. Since its initial publication in ... -
2019 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction: Towards a Zero-emissions, Efficient and Resilient Buildings and Construction Sector
(2019)The buildings and construction sector accounted for 36% of final energy use and 39% of energy and process-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in 2018, 11% of which resulted from manufacturing building materials and ... -
2022 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction: Towards a Zero‑emission, Efficient and Resilient Buildings and Construction Sector
(2022-11)Decarbonizing the buildings sector by 2050 is critical to delivering these emission cuts – and to addressing the wider triple planetary crisis of climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste. ... -
21 Issues for the 21st century: results of the UNEP foresight process on emerging environmental issues
(UNEP, 2012)The UNEP foresight report contains a description of the 21 emerging environmental issues identified through the UNEP Foresight Process. The process resulted in a list of 21 emerging environmental issues tagged 21 Issues ... -
A bird's eye view on Flyways: a brief tour by the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals
(UNEP, 2009)Birds eye view on Flyways is the first publication by CMS to bring together the key facts about migratory birds, their populations, the threats they face along the way, the benefits they bring to people and the environment ... -
A case for climate neutrality: case studies on moving towards a low carbon economy United Nations Environment Programme
(2009)The publication presents concrete case studies from within the UNEP-led Climate Neutral Network (CN Net) that showcase concrete initiatives undertaken by diverse actors in a variety of sectors on moving towards climate ... -
A handbook for the indigenous and community conserved areas registry
(2010)Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas (ICCAs) are a globally significant type of managed areas governed by local or indigenous communities for conservation and cultural purposes. Their contributions to biodiversity ... -
A manual for water and waste management: what the tourism industry can do to improve its performance
(UNEP, 2003)This manual provides guidelines and examples of how tourism operations can achieve positive results and minimize harm to a community's ecological and physical systems. Specific case studies highlight larger hotel chains, ... -
A survey of methods for analysing groundwater Recharge in arid and semi-arid region
(UNEP, 2002)This publication is a compilation of methods that have been used for analysing groundwater recharge in arid and semi-arid regions around the world. Some of these are direct methods, such as the soil moisture budget by ... -
A toolkit for preparation of low carbon mobility plan
(United Nations Environment Programme, 2016)The Toolkit for Comprehensive Mobility Plan (CMP) Revised (2014) is used as a starting point for the present toolkit. This toolkit for LCMP caters to a global audience, and provides a simplified approach for LCMP preparation ... -
A trip with drip the water drop
(UNEP, 2005)A learning-by-doing workbook on water for children, 'A Trip with the Drip - The Water Drop, is a colourful workbook and CD contain basic facts, and other interesting information.