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dc.contributorGovernance Affairs Officeen_US
dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programmeen_US
dc.descriptionThis document reflects the Questionnaire to guide the way forward on UN General Assembly Resolution 73/333 entitled “Follow-up to the report of the ad hoc open-ended working group established pursuant to General Assembly resolution 72/722”, which was distributed to member States and Stakeholders on 18 December 2019. The note serves as an annex to the UNEP/CPR/149/5, “Analysis of inputs received from Member States and Stakeholders on the questionnaire to guide the way forward on UN General Assembly Resolution 73/333”.
dc.titleAgenda Item 6: Implementation of General Assembly resolution 73/333en_US
dc.typeMeeting Briefing Notes and Informationen_US
wd.meeting.session149th meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives to the United Nations Environment Programme. Nairobi, 18 February 2020
wd.identifier.collectionMeeting Documentsen_US

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